Condemnation of the creation of the State, and advocacy of abolition of its sovereignty
[123A. (I) Whoever, with or without Bangladesh, with intent to influence, or knowing it to be likely that he will influence, any person or the whole or any section of the public, in a manner likely to be prejudicial to the safety of Bangladesh, or to endanger the sovereignty of Bangladesh in respect of all or any of the territories lying within its borders, shall by words, spoken or written, or by signs or visible representation, condemn the creation of Bangladesh [in pursuance of the Proclamation of Independence on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1971], or advocate the curtailment or abolition of the sovereignty of Bangladesh in respect of all or any of the territories lying within its borders, whether by amalgamation with the territories of neighboring States or otherwise, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, when any person is proceeded against under this section, it shall be lawful for any Court before which he may be produced in the course of the investigation or trial, to make such order as it may think fit in respect of his movements, of his association or communication with other persons, and of his activities in regard to dissemination of news, propagation of opinions, until such time as the case is finally decided.]
(3) Any Court which is a Court of appeal or of revision in relation to the Court mentioned in sub-section (2) may also make an order under that sub-section.]