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The Alluvial Lands Act, 1920

( ACT NO. V OF 1920 )

Power of Collector to attach alluvial land
3.(1) 1[The] Collector, if he is credibly informed that a dispute likely to cause a breach of the peace exists or is likely to arise, in regard to any alluvial land which in his opinion has recently firmed, may, after making an order in writing, stating the grounds therefor, in the interests of public order, attach such land, and may demarcate it with boundary pillars.
2[(1a) Where such land is situated within the limits of more than one district, or it is doubtful within the limits of which district or districts such land is situated any collector who considers that any portion of such land is situated within the limits of his district may, after recording his reasons therefor, attach the whole of such land. If, after attachment, such land or any portion thereof is found to be situated within any other district or is transferred to another district, the attachment shall continue to be valid but the Collector who attached the land may either transfer the case, in respect of the whole or any portion of the attached land, for disposal to the Collector of any such other district or may himself continue the proceedings under the provisions of this Act. The Collector to whom a case is transferred for disposal under this sub-section shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to have attached the land under this section.]
(2) When the Collector attaches any alluvial land under sub-section (1) or sub-section (1a), he may himself manage such land during the period of attachment, or may, if he thinks fit, appoint a receiver thereof, who, subject to the control of the Collector, shall have all such powers conferrable on a receiver appointed under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 as may be given to him by the Collector:
Provided that neither the Collector nor the receiver shall make a settlement or re-settlement of any land for a period exceeding one year nor shall he charge any salami for such settlement or re-settlement:
Provided further that, in making such settlement or re-settlement of any land, the Collector or the receiver, as the case may be, shall give preference to the claim of a person who may appear to him to have right to immediate possession of such land 3[* * *].
(3) Nothing in this section shall preclude any party interested from showing, before the Collector makes an order of reference under section 5, sub-section (1), that no such dispute as aforesaid exists or that such dispute has ceased to exist and is not likely to arise either by reason of a compromise among the claimants included in the list prepared under section 4A or for any other reason and the Collector, if satisfied that no such dispute as aforesaid exists or that such dispute has ceased to exist and is not likely to arise shall cancel his order of attachment under sub-section (1), or sub-section (1a), and all further proceedings thereon shall be stayed. The Collector may, if he thinks fit, cancel his order of attachment under sub-section (1) or sub-section (1a) in respect of a portion of the attached land and continue proceedings in respect of the remainder of such land.
(4) When an order of attachment of any alluvial land is cancelled under sub-section (3), the Collector shall issue a notice in the prescribed manner inviting claims to the net receipts from the land during attachment, and shall order the payment of such receipts to the persons who, in his opinion, are entitled to the same. The net receipts shall be calculated by deducting from the gross receipts the costs incurred under this section, and under section 4, sub-section (1), and section 4A, sub-section (1), and the cost of preparation of the reference to be made under section 5, sub-section (1), if any.
(5) In estimating for the purposes of sub-section (4), section 5, and section 7 the costs incurred under this section, the following costs shall be included in the cost of management, namely:-
4[* * *]
(b) the cost of special staff, if any, and
(c) where no special staff is employed for collection, a sum not exceeding five per centum per annum on the actual collections.

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