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The Mines Act, 1923

( ACT NO. IV OF 1923 )

Chapter III


Mining Boards
10.(1) The Government may constitute for any part of Bangladesh 1[* * *], for any group or class of mines, a Mining Board consisting of-
(a) a person in the service of the 2[Republic], not being the Chief Inspector or a Inspector, nominated by the Government to act as Chairman;
(b) the Chief Inspector or an Inspector;
(c) a person, not being the Chief Inspector or an Inspector, nominated by the Government;
(d) two persons nominated by owners of mines or their representatives in such manner as may be prescribed;
(e) two persons to represent the interest of miners, who shall be nominated in accordance with the following provisions:-
(i) if there are one or more registered trade unions having in the aggregate as members not less than one quarter of the miners, the said persons shall be nominated by such trade union or trade unions in such manner as may be prescribed;
(ii) if sub-clause (i) is not applicable and there are one or more registered trade unions having in the aggregate as member not less than 1,000 miners, one of the said persons shall be nominated by such trade union or trade unions in such manner as may be prescribed and the other by the Government;
(iii) if neither sub-clause (i) nor sub-clause (ii) is applicable, the said persons shall be nominated by the Government.
Explanation- In this clause 3[miner] means a person employed otherwise than in a position of supervision or management, in any of the mines for which the Mining Board is constituted.
(2) The chairman shall appoint a person to act as secretary to the Board.
(3) The Government may give directions as to the payment of travelling expenses incurred by the secretary or any member of any such Mining Board in the performance of his duty as such secretary or member.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs