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[Section Index]

The Mines Act, 1923

( ACT NO. IV OF 1923 )

Chapter VII


Power of Government to make regulations
29. The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make regulations consistent with this Act for all or any of the following purposes, namely:-
(a) for prescribing the qualifications to be required by a person for appointment as Chief Inspector or Inspector;
(b) for prescribing and regulating the duties and powers of the Chief Inspector and of Inspectors in regard to the inspection of mines under this Act;
(c) for prescribing the duties of owners, agents and managers of mines and of persons acting under them;
(d) for prescribing the qualifications of managers of mines and of persons acting under them;
(e) for regulating the manner of ascertaining, by examination or otherwise, the qualifications of managers of mines and persons acting under them, and the granting and renewal of certificates of competency;
(f) for fixing the fees, if any, to be paid in respect of such examinations and of the grant and renewal of such certificates;
(g) for determining the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which it shall be lawful for more mines than one to be under a single manager, or for any mine or mines to be under a manager not having the prescribed qualifications;
(h) for providing for the making of inquiries into charges of misconduct or in competency on the part of managers of mines and persons acting under them and for the suspension and cancellation of certificates of competency;
(i) for regulating, subject to the provisions of the Explosives Act, 1884, and of any rules made thereunder, the storange and use of explosives;
(j) for prohibiting, restricting or regulating the employment in mines or in any class of mines of women either below ground or on particular kinds of labour which are attended by danger to the life, safety or health of such women;
(k) for providing for the safety of the persons employed in a mine, their means of entrance therein to and exit therefrom, the number of shafts or outlets to be furnished, and the fencing of shafts, pits, outlets, pathways and subsidence;
1[(kk) for prohibiting the employment in a mine either as manager or in any other specified capacity of any persons except persons paid by the owner of the mine and directly answerable to the owner or manager of the mine;]
(l) for providing for the safety of the roads and working places in mines, including the siting and maintenance of pillars and the maintenance of sufficient barriers between mine and mine;
(m) for providing for and regulating the ventilation of mines and the action to be taken in respect of dust and noxious gases;
(n) for providing for the care, and the regulation of the use, of all machinery and plant and of all electrical apparatus used for signaling purposes;
(o) for requiring and regulating the use of safety lamps in mines;
(p) for providing against explosions or ignitions or irruption's of or accumulations of water in mines and against danger arising therefrom, and for prohibiting, restrictions or regulating the extraction of minerals in circumstances likely to result in or to aggravate irruption's of water or ignitions in mines;
(q) for prescribing the notices of accidents and dangerous occurrences, and the notices, reports and returns of mineral output, persons employed and other matters provided for by regulations to be furnished by owners, agents and managers of mines, and for prescribing the forms of such notices, returns and reports, the persons and authorities to whom they are to be furnished, the particulars to be contained in them, and the time within which they are to be submitted;
(r) for prescribing the plans to be kept by owners, agents and managers of mines and the manner and places in which such plans are to be kept for purposes of record;
(s) for regulating the procedure on the occurrence of accidents or accidental explosions or ignitions in or about mines;
(t) for prescribing the form of, and the particulars to be contained in, the notice to be given by the owner, agent or manner of a mine under section 14; and
(u) for prescribing the notice to be given by the owner, agent or manager of a mine before mining operations are commenced at or extended to any point within fifty years of any railway subject to the provisions of the Railways Act, 1890, or of any public work or classes of public work which the Government may, by general or special order, specify in this behalf.

  • 1
    Clause (kk) was inserted by section 4 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1940 (Act No. XXIV of 1940)
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