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[Section Index]

The Mines Act, 1923

( ACT NO. IV OF 1923 )

Chapter VII


Power of Government to make rules
30. The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules consistent with this Act for all or any of the following purposes, namely:-
(a) for providing for the appointment of chairmen and members of Mining Boards, and for regulating the procedure of such Boards;
1[(aa) for prescribing the form of the register referred to in sub-section (2) of section 20;]
(b) for providing for the appointment of counts of inquiry under section 21, for regulating the procedure and powers of such courts, for the payment of travelling allowance to the members and for the recovery of the expenses of such courts from the manager, owner or agent of the mine concerned;
2[(bb) for requiring the maintenance in mines wherein any women are ordinarily employed of suitable rooms to be reserved for the use of children under the age
of six years belonging to such women, and for prescribing, either generally or with particular reference to the number of women ordinarily employed in the mine, the number and standards of such rooms, and the nature and extent of the supervision to be provided therein;]
3[(bbb) for requiring the maintenance at or near pit-heads of bathing places equipped with shower baths and of locker-rooms for the use of men employed in mines and of similar and separate places and rooms for the use of women in mines where women are employed, and for prescribing, either generally or with particular reference to the numbers of men and women ordinarily employed in a mine, the number and standards of such places and rooms;]
(c) for prescribing the scale of latrine and urinal accommodation to be provided at mines, the provision to be made for the supply of drinking-water, the supply and maintenance of medical appliances and comforts, and the training of men in ambulance work;
4[(cc) for prescribing the forms of notices required under section 23B, and for requiring such notices to be posted also in specified vernaculars;]
5[(ccc) to fix seven consecutive hours between 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. for the purposes of section 26B;
(cccc) to specify the circumstances in which and conditions in accordance with which a young person may be employed or permitted to work as an apprentice or for the purposes of receiving vocational training in a mine for the purposes of the proviso to section 26B;]
(d) for defining the persons who shall, for the purposes of section 24, be deemed to be persons holding positions of supervisions or management or employed in a confidential capacity;
(e) for prohibiting the employment in mines of persons of any class of persons who have not been certified by a qualified medical practitioner to have completed their fifteenth year], and for prescribing the manner and the circumstances in which such certificates may be granted and revoked;
6[(ee) for prescribing the form of the certificates of fitness required by section 26A and the circumstances in which such certificates may be granted and revoked;]
(f) for prescribing the form of registers required by section 28.
(g) for prescribing abstracts of this Act and of the regulations and rules and the vernacular in which the abstracts and bye-laws shall be posted as required by sections 32 and 33;
(h) for requiring the fencing of any mine or part of a mine, whether the same is being worked or not, where such fencing is necessary for the protection of the public;
(i) for the protection from injury, in respect of any mine when the workings are discontinued, of property vested in Government or any local authority 7[* * *];
(j) for requiring notices, returns and reports in connection with any matters dealt with by rules to be furnished by owners, agents and managers of mines, and for prescribing the forms of such notices, returns and reports; the persons and authorities to whom they are to be furnished, the particulars to be contained in them, and the times within which they are to be submitted; and
(k) generally to provide for any matter not provided for by this Act or the regulations, provision for which is required in order to give effect to this Act.

  • 1
    Clause (aa) was inserted by section 15 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1935 (Act No. V of 1935)
  • 2
    Clause (bb) was inserted by section 2 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Ordinance, 1945 (Ordinance No. XVII of 1945)
  • 3
    Clause (bbb) was inserted by section 2 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1946 (Act No. II of 1946)
  • 4
    Clause (cc) was inserted by section 6 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1928 (Act No. XIII of 1928)
  • 5
    Clauses (ccc) and (cccc) were inserted by section 6 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1951 (Act No. XXIX of 1951)
  • 6
    Clause (ee) was inserted by section 15 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1935 (Act No. V of 1935)
  • 7
    The words, comma and figure "or railway company as defined in the Railways Act, 1890" were omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
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