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The Mines Act, 1923

( ACT NO. IV OF 1923 )

Chapter VII


Power of Government to require rescue stations to be established
1[30A. The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules under this section-
(a) requiring the establishment of central rescue stations for groups of specified mines or for all mines in a specified are, and prescribing how and by whom such stations shall be established;
(b) providing for management of central rescue stations, and regulating the constitution powers and functions of, and the conduct of business by, the authorities which shall include representatives of the owners and managers of, and of the miners employed in, the mines or group of mines concerned charged with such management;
(c) prescribing the position, equipment, control maintenance and functions of central rescue stations;
(d) providing for the levy and collection of a duty of excise (at a rate not exceeding 2[three poisha] per ton), on coke and coal produced in and dispatched from mines specified under clause (a) in any group on included under clause (a) in any specified area, the utilisation of the proceeds thereof for the creation of a central rescue station fund for such group or area and the administration of such funds.
(e) providing for the formation, training, composition, and duties of rescue brigades; and
(f) providing generally for the conduct of rescue work in mines.]

  • 1
    Section 30A was inserted by section 5 of the Indian Mines (Amendment) Act, 1936 (Act No. XI of 1936)
  • 2
    The words "three poisha" were substituted, for the words "six pies" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
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