The Aerial Ropeways Act, 1923

( ACT NO. VII OF 1923 )

♣An Act to authorise, facilitate and regulate the construction and working of aerial ropeways in Bangladesh.
WHEREAS it is expedient to authorise, facilitate and regulate the construction and working of aerial ropeways in Bangladesh;
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It is hereby enacted as follows:-



1. Short title, local extent and commencement

2. Definitions

Procedure and Preliminary Investigations

3. Application for concession

4. Contents of application

5. Preliminary investigations

Orders authorising the construction of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

6. Order authorising construction and contents of such order

7. Final order

8. Cessation of powers given by an order

9. Opening of aerial ropeway to passenger traffic

Inspection of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

10. Inspection of aerial ropeway before opening

11. Appointment and duties of Inspectors

12. Powers of Inspectors

13. Facilities to be afforded to Inspectors

Construction and Maintenance of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

14. Authority of promoter to execute all necessary works

15. Temporary entry upon land for repairing or preventing accident

16. Removal of trees, structures, etc.

17. Orders of Collector subject to revision by Government

Working of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

18. Promoter may fix rates

19. Duty of promoter to work aerial ropeway without partiality

20. Reporting of accidents

21. Power to close and re-open aerial ropeway

Discontinuance of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

22. Cessation of powers of promoter on discontinuance of aerial ropeway

23. Power of removal of aerial ropeway on cessation of promoter's powers

Purchase of Aerial Ropeways for Public Traffic

24. Power of Government and local authorities to purchase aerial ropeway for public traffic

25. Power to promoter to sell when option to purchase not exercised and order revoked by consent

Inability or Insolvency of Promoter

26. Proceedings in case of inability or insolvency of promoter


27. Power of promoter to make bye-laws

28. Application for acquisition of land in case of certain private aerial ropeways

29. Agreement

30. Temporary occupation of land in case of private aerial ropeway

31. Failure of promoter to comply with Act

32. Unlawfully obstructing promoter in exercise of his powers

33. Unlawfully interfering with aerial ropeway

34. Maliciously doing, abetting or attempting to do, act endangering safety of persons travelling or being upon aerial ropeway

35. Arrest for offences against certain sections

36. Returns

37. Protection of roads, railways, tramways, and waterways

38. Acquisition of land by a promoter

39. Limitation of claims for damage to animals or goods

40. Application of Act to certain private aerial ropeways

41. Power of Government to constitute an Advisory Board for aerial ropeways

42. Power of Government to make rules