Power of Government to constitute an Advisory Board for aerial ropeways
41.(1) The Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, constitute an Advisory Board for aerial ropeways.
(2) Such Board shall consist of a Chairman to be appointed by the Government who shall be a Chief Engineer to the Government, and two persons to be appointed by the Government as expert members.
(3) When any person is aggrieved by an order of the Government under section 7 or under section 21, such person, on payment of the prescribed fees, may within thirty days of the order, apply to the Government for revision of the same, and the Government shall take the advice of the Advisory Board in the prescribed manner and shall consider such advice and pass such orders in the matter as to the Government shall seem just and proper.
(4) With a view to enabling the Board to tender their advice under sub-section (3) the Board, with the consent of the Government and on payment of such further fees as may be prescribed, may make such further inquiry into the matter as the Board may consider to be necessary.
(5) The Government may, by general or special order,
(a) define the further duties of, and regulate the procedure of, the Advisory Board;
(b) determine the tenure of office of the members of the Board; and
(c) give directions as to the payment of fees to, and the travelling expenses incurred by, any member of such Board in the performance of his duty.