A Regulation for the due appropriation of the rents and produce of lands granted for the support of colleges and other purposes; for the maintenance and repair of public buildings; and for the custody and disposal of nazul property or escheats.
1. Whereas considerable endowments have been granted in land by the preceding Governments of this country and by individuals for the support of colleges and for other beneficial purposes; and whereas there are grounds to suppose that the produce of such lands is in many instances appropriated, contrary to the intentions of the donors, to the personal use of the individuals in immediate charge and possession of such endowments; and whereas it is an important duty of every Government to provide that all such endowments be applied according to the real intent and will of the grantor; and whereas it is moreover essential to provide for the maintenance and repair of buildings which have been erected either at the expense of the Government or of individuals for the use and convenience of the public, and also to establish proper rules for the custody and disposal of nazul property or escheats, the following rules have been enacted, to be in force, from the period of their promulgation, throughout the 2[Bangladesh].
2. Superintendence of lands granted for support of Colleges, etc.
3. Appropriation of endowments
4. Disposal of ruined buildings
5. Lands or public edifices not to be appropriated by individuals for private uses
6. Estimates of necessary repairs to be submitted to [Government]
7. Superintendence of nazul property
8. Appointment of local agents
10. Agents to ascertain and report particulars of endowments, etc.
11. also names, etc., of present trustees or managers
12. and all vacancies or casualties, with full information as to pretensions of claimants
13. to recommend fit persons in cases where nomination rests in Government
14. [Deputy Commissioner] to appoint such persons, or make other provision for trust