A Regulation for the confinement of State Prisoners.
1. Whereas reasons of the security of 2[Bangladesh] occasionally render it necessary to place under personal restraint individuals against whom there may not be sufficient ground to institute any judicial proceeding, or when such proceeding may not be adapted to the nature of the case, or may for other reasons be unadvisable or improper;
and whereas it is fit that, in every case of the nature herein referred to the determination to be taken should proceed immediately from the authority of the Government;
and whereas the ends of justice required that, when it may be determined that any person shall be placed under personal restraint, otherwise than in pursuance of some judicial proceeding, the grounds of such determination should from time to time come under revision, and the person affected thereby should at all times be allowed freely to bring to the notice of the Government all circumstances relating either to the supposed grounds of such determination, or to the manner in which it may be executed;
and whereas the ends of justice also require that due attention be paid to the health of every State prisoner confined under this Regulation, and that suitable provision be made for his support according to his rank in life, and to his own wants and those of his family;
and whereas the reasons above declared sometimes render it necessary that the estates and lands of zamindars, talukdars and others should be attached and placed under the temporary management of the Revenue Authorities without having recourse to any judicial proceeding;
and whereas it is desirable to make such legal provisions as may secure from injury the just rights and interests of individuals whose estates may be so attached under the direct authority of the Government;
it is hereby enacted as follows:-
2. Proceedings for placing persons under restraint as State prisoners
3. Officers having custody of State prisoners to submit periodical reports
4. State prisoners in custody of Zila Magistrate, by whom to be visited
State prisoners in custody of public officer, not being Zila Magistrate, by whom to be visited
5. Representations by State prisoners to be submitted to Government
6. Report to Government regarding confinement, etc., of prisoners
7. Appropriation of allowance for support
7A. Functions of the Government
9. Attachment of estates by order of Government without decision of Court
10. Management of attached estates
Attached lands not liable to sale in execution
Government to arrange for satisfaction of decrees
11. Rule as to cases where Government orders release of estate from attachment