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Less heinous offences

4. Any person subject to this Regulation, not being above the rank of subadar, who-

(a) is in state of intoxication when on or for any duty, or on parade or on the line of march; or

(b) strikes or attempts to force any sentry; or

(c) being in command of a guard, piquet or patrol, refuses to receive any prisoner duly committed to his charge, or without proper authority releases any prisoner or negligently suffers any prisoner to escape; or

(d) being under arrest or in confinement, leaves his arrest or confinement before he is set at liberty by proper authority; or

(e) is grossly insubordinate or insolent to his superior officer in the execution of his office; or

(f) refuses to superintend or assist in the making of any field-work or other military work of any description ordered to be made either in quarters or in the field; or

(g) strikes or otherwise ill-uses any person subject to this Regulation being his subordinate in rank or position; or

(h) being in command at any post on the march, and receiving a complaint that anyone under his command has beaten or otherwise maltreated or oppressed any person, or has committed any riot or trespass, fails to have due reparation made to the injured person, or to report the case to the proper authority; or

(i) designedly or through neglect injures or loser in fraudulently disposes of, his arms, clothes tools, equipments, ammunition, accoutrements or regimental necessaries, or any such article entrusted to him or belonging to any other person; or

(j) malingers, feigns or produces disease or infirmity in himself, or intentionally delays his cure or aggravates his disease or infirmity or

(k) with intent to render himself or any other person unfit for service, voluntarily causes hurt to himself or any other person; and any such person who, while not on active service,-

(l) disobeys the lawful orders of his superior officer; or

(m) plunders, destroys or damages any field, garden or other property; or

(n) being a sentry, sleeps upon his post, or quits it without being regularly relieved, or without leave;

shall be punished with imprisonment, with or without hard labour, which may extend to one year.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs