Constitution of Cantonment Boards
[13A.(1) In Class I Cantonments, the Board shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Officer Commanding the station or, if the Government so directs in respect of any cantonment, such other civil or military officer as may be nominated in his place by the Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command;
[* * *]
(c) a Magistrate of the first class nominated by the District Magistrate;
(d) the Health Officer;
(e) the Executive Engineer;
(f) four civil or military officers nominated by the Officer Commanding the station by order in writing:
[* * *]
(2) In Class II Cantonments, the Board shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Officer Commanding the station or, if the Government so directs in respect of any cantonment, such other civil or military officer as may be nominated in his place by the Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command;
[* * *]
(c) a Magistrate of the first class nominated by the District Magistrate;
(d) the Health Officer;
(e) the Executive Engineer;
(f) three civil or military officers nominated by the Officer Commanding the station by order in writing:
[* * *]
(3) In Class III Cantonments, the Board shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) the Officer Commanding the station or, if the Government so directs in respect of any cantonment, such other civil or military officer as may be nominated in his place by the Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command;
[* * *]
(c) one civil [and one] military officer nominated by the Officer Commanding the station by order in writing.
(4) The Officer Commanding the station may, if he thinks fit, with the sanction of the Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command, nominate in place of any civil or military officer whom he is empowered to nominate under clause (f) of sub-section (1), clause (f) of sub-section (2) or clause (c) of sub-section (3), any person, whether in the service of the [Republic] or not, who is ordinarily resident in the cantonment or in the vicinity thereof.
(5) The name of every [* * *] nominated member of the Board, and every vacancy in the membership thereof, shall be notified by the Government in the official Gazette.]