15. 2[(1) The term of office of a member of a Board shall be five years and shall commence from the date of the notification of his nomination under sub-section (5) of section 13A, or from the date on which the vacancy has occurred in which he is nominated, whichever be later.]
(2) The term of office of an ex-officio member of a Board 3[* * *] shall continue so long as he holds the office in virtue of which he is such member.
(4) An outgoing member shall, unless the Government otherwise directs, continue in office until the 4[* * *] nomination of his successor is notified under sub-section (5) of section 13A.
(5) An outgoing nominated member may, if qualified, be renominated.
Throughout this Act, except otherwise provided, the words "Bangladesh", Government", "Penal Code" and "Taka" were substituted, for the words "Pakistan", "Central Government", "Pakistan Penal Code" and "rupee" or "rupees" respectively by the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973), section 3 and 2nd Schedule