Conditions of universal application
224. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained or contained in any agreement under section 222, the supply of water by a Board to any building or land shall be, and shall be deemed to have been, granted subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(a) the owner, lessee or occupier of any building or land in or on which water supplied by the Board is wasted by reason of the pipes, drains or other works being out of repair shall, if he has knowledge thereof, give notice of the same to such officer as the Board may appoint in this behalf;
(b) the Executive Officer or any other officer or servant of the Board authorised by it in writing in this behalf may enter into or on any premises supplied with water by the Board, for the purpose of examining all pipes, taps, works and fittings connected with the supply of water and of ascertaining whether there is any waste or misuse of such water;
(c) the Board may, after giving notice in writing, cut off the connection between any source of public water-supply and any building or land to which water is supplied for any purpose therefrom, or turn off such supply if-
(i) the owner or occupier of the building or land neglects to pay the water tax or other charges connected with the water-supply within one month from the date on which such tax or charge falls due for payment;
(ii) the occupier refuses to admit the Executive Officer or other authorised officer or servant of the Board into the building or land for the purpose of making any examination or inquiry authorised by clause (b) or prevents the making of such examination or inquiry;
(iii) the occupier wilfully or negligently misuses or causes waste of water;
(iv) the occupier wilfully or negligently injures or damages his meter or nay pipe or tap conveying water from the water-works;
(v) any pipes, taps, works or fittings connected with the supply of water to the building or land are found, on examination by the Executive Officer, to be out of repair to such an extent as to cause a waste of water;
(d) the expense of cutting off the connection or of turning off the water in any case referred to in clause (c) shall be paid by the owner or occupier of the building or land;
(e) no action taken under or in pursuance of clause (c) shall relieve any person from any penalty or liability which he may otherwise have incurred.