
The Succession Act, 1925

The Succession Act, 1925

( ACT NO. XXXIX OF 1925 )

Chapter I


Application of Part
29. (1) This Part shall not apply to any intestacy occurring before the first day of January, 1866, or to the property of any Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh or Jaina.
(2) Save as provided in sub-section (1) or by any other law for the time being in force, the provisions of this Part shall constitute the law of Bangladesh in all cases of intestacy.
As to what property deceased considered to have died intestate
30. A person is deemed to die intestate in respect of all property of which he has not made a testamentary disposition which is capable of taking effect.
(i) A has left no will. He has died intestate in respect of the whole of his property.
(ii) A has left a will, whereby he has appointed B his executor; but the will contains no other provisions. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of his property.
(iii) A has bequeathed his whole property for an illegal purpose. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of his property.
(iv) A has bequeathed 1,000 Taka to B and 1,000 Taka to the eldest son of C, and has made no other bequest: and has died leaving the sum of 2,000 Taka and no other property. C died before A without having ever had a son. A has died intestate in respect of the distribution of 1,000 Taka.

Chapter II


Chapter not to apply to Parsis
31. Nothing in this Chapter shall apply to Parsis.
Devolution of such property
32. The property of an intestate devolves upon the wife or husband, or upon those who are of the kindred of the deceased, in the order and according to the rules hereinafter contained in this chapter.
Explanation.-A widow is not entitled to the provision hereby made for her if, by a valid contract made before her marriage, she has been excluded from her distributive share of her husband's estate.
Where intestate has left widow and lineal descendants, or widow and kindred only, or widow and no kindred
33. Where the intestate has left a widow-
(a) if he has also left any lineal descendants, one-third of his property shall belong to his widow, and the remaining two-thirds shall go to his lineal descendants, according to the rules hereinafter contained;
(b) save as provided by section 33A, if he has left no lineal descendant, but has left persons who are of kindred to him, one-half of his property shall belong to his widow, and the other half shall go to those who are of kindred to him, in the order and according to the rules hereinafter contained;
(c) if he has left none who are of kindred to him, the whole of his property shall belong to his widow.
Special provision where intestate has left widow and no lineal descendants
1[33A. (1) Where the intestate has left a widow but no lineal descendants and the net value of his property does not exceed five thousand Taka the whole of his property shall belong to the widow.
(2) Where the net value of the property exceeds the sum of five thousand Taka, the widow shall be entitled to five thousand Taka thereof and shall have a charge upon the whole of such property for such sum of five thousand Taka, with interest thereon from the date of the death of the intestate at 4 per cent, per annuam until payment.
(3) The provision for the widow made by this section shall be in addition and without prejudice to her interest and share in the residue of the estate of such intestate remaining after payment of the said sum of five thousand Taka, with interest asaforesaid, and such residue shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of section 33 as if it were the whole of such intestate's property.
(4) The net value of the property shall be ascertained by deducting from the gross value thereof all debts, and all funeral and administration expenses of the intestate, and all other lawful liabilities and charges to which the property shall be subject.
(5) This section shall not apply-
(a) to the property of-
(i) any Bangladesh Christian,
(ii) any child or grandchild of any male person who is or was at the time of his death a Bangladesh Christian, or
(iii) any person professing the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or Jaina religion the succession to whose property is, under section 24 of the Special Marriage Act, 1872, regulated by the provisions of this Act;
(b) unless the deceased dies intestate in respect of all his property.]
Where intestate has left no widow, and where he has left no kindred
34. Where the intestate has left no widow, his property shall go to his lineal descendants or to those who are of kindred to him, not being lineal descendants, according to the rules hereinafter contained; and, if he has left none who are of kindred to him, it shall go to the Government.
Rights of widower Distribution where there are lineal descendants
35. A husband surviving his wife has the same rights in respect of her property, if she dies intestate, as a widow has in respect of her husband's property, if he dies intestate.
Distribution where there are lineal descendants
Rules of distribution
36. The rules for the distribution of the intestate's property (after deducting the widow's share, if he has left a widow) amongst his lineal descendants shall be those contained in sections 37 to 40.
Where intestate has left child or children only
37. Where the intestate has left surviving him a child or children, but no more remote lineal descendant through a deceased child, the property shall belong to his surviving child, if there is only one, or shall be equally divided among all his surviving children.
Where intestate has left no child, but grandchild or grand-children
38. Where the intestate has not left surviving him any child, but has left a grandchild or grandchildren and no more remote descendant through a deceased grandchild, the property shall belong to his surviving grandchild if there is only one, or shall be equally divided among all his surviving grandchildren.
(i) A has three children, and no more, John, Mary, and Henry. They all die before the father, John leaving two children, Mary three and Henry four. Afterwards A dies intestate, leaving those nine grandchildren and no descendant of any deceased grandchild. Each of his grandchildren will have one ninth.
(ii) But if Henry has died, leaving no child, then the whole is equally divided between the intestate's five grandchildren, the children of John and Mary.
Where intestate has left only great grandchildren or remoter lineal descendants
39. In like manner the property shall go to the surviving lineal descendants who are nearest in degree to the intestate, where they are all in the degree of great-grandchildren to him, or are all in a more remote degree.
Where intestate leaves lineal desendants not all in same degree of kindred to him, and those through whom the more remote are descended are dead Distribution where there are no lineal descendants
40. (1) If the intestate has left lineal descendants who do not all stand in the same degree of kindred to him, and the persons through whom the more remote are descended from him are dead, the property shall be divided into such a number of equal shares as may correspond with the number of the lineal descendants of the intestate who either stood in the nearest degree of kindred to him at his decease, or, having been of the like degree of kindred to him, died before him, leaving lineal descendants who survived him.
(2) One of such shares shall be allotted to each of the lineal descendants who stood in the nearest degree of kindred to the intestate at his decease; and one of such shares shall be allotted
in respect of each of such deceased lineal descendants; and
the share allotted in respect of each of such deceased
lineal descendants shall belong to his surviving child or children or more remote lineal descendants, as the case may be; such surviving child or children or more remote lineal descendants always taking the share which his or their parent or parents would have been entitled to respectively if such parent or parents had survived the intestate.
(i) A had three children, Jhon, Mary and Henry; John died, leaving four children, and Mary died, leaving one, and Henry alone survived the father. On the death of A, intestate, one-third is allotted to Henry, one-third to John's four children and the remaining third to Mary's one child.
(ii) A left no child, but left eight grandchildren, and two children of a deceased grandchild. The property is divided into nine parts, one of which is allotted to each grandchild, and the remaining one-ninth is equally divided between the two great-granchildren.
(iii) A has three children, John, Mary and Henry; John dies leaving four children; and one of John's children dies leaving two children. Mary dies leaving one child. A afterwards dies intestate. One-third of his property is allotted to Henry, one-third to Mary's child, and one-third is divided into four parts, one of which is allotted to each of John's three surviving children, and the remaining part is equally divided between John's two grandchildren.
(iv) A has two children, and no more; John and Mary. John dies before his father, leaving his wife pregnant. Then A dies leaving Mary surviving him and in due time a child of John is born. A's property is to be equally divided between Mary and the posthumous child.
Distribution where there are no lineal descendants

Distribution where there are no lineal descendants

Rules of distribution where intestate has left no lineal descendants
41. Where an intestate has left no lineal descendants, the rules for the distribution of his property (after deducting the widow's share, if he has left a widow shall be those contained in sections 42 to 48.
Where intestate's father living
42. If the intestate's father is living, he shall succeed to the property.
Where intestate's father dead but his mother, brothers and sisters living
43. If the intestate's father is dead, but the intestate's mother living and there are also brothers or sisters of the intestate living, and there is no child living of any deceased brother or sister, the mother and each living brother or sister shall succeed to the property in equal shares.
A dies intestate survived by his mother and two brothers of the full blood, John and Henry, and a sister Mary, who is the daughter of his mother but not of his father. The mother takes one-fourth, each brother takes one-fourth and Mary, the sister of half blood, takes one-fourth.
Where intestate's father dead and his mother, a brother or sister, and children of any deceased brother or sister, living
44. If the intestate's father is dead, but the intestate's mother is living, and if any brother or sister and the child or children of any brother or sister who may have died in the intestate's lifetime are also living, then the mother and each living brother or sister, and the living child or children or each deceased brother or sister, shall be entitled to the property in equal shares, such children (if more than one) taking in equal shares only the shares which their respective parents would have taken if living at the intestate's death.
A, the intestate, leaves his mother, his brothers John and Henry, and also one child of a deceased sister, Mary, and two children of George, a deceased brother of the half blood who was the son of his father but not of his mother. The mother takes one-fifth, John and Henry each takes one-fifth, the child of Mary takes one-fifth, and the two children of George divide the remaining one-fifth equally between them.
Where intestate's father dead and his mother and children of any deceased brother or sister living
45. If the intestate's father is dead, but the intestate's mother is living, and the brothers and sisters are all dead, but all or any of them have left children who survived the intestate, the mother and the child or children of each deceased brother or sister shall be entitled to the property in equal shares, such children (if more than one) taking in equal shares only the shares which their respective parents would have taken if living at the intestate's death.
A, the intestate, leaves no brother or sister, but leaves his mother and one child of a deceased sister, Mary, and two children of a deceased brother, George. The mother takes one-third, the child of Mary takes one-third, and the children of George divide the remaining one-third equally between them.
Where intestate's father dead, but his mother living and no sister, brother, nephew or niece
46. If the intestate's father is dead, but the intestate's mother is living, and there is neither brother, nor sister, nor child of any brother or sister of the intestate, the property shall belong to the mother.
Where intestate has left neither lineal descendant, nor father, nor mother
47. Where the intestate has left neither lineal descendant, nor father, nor mother, the property shall be divided equally between his brothers and sisters and the child or children of such of them as may have died before him, such children (if more than one) taking in equal shares only the shares which their respective parents would have taken if living at the intestate's death.
Where intestate has left neither lineal descendant, nor parent, nor brother, nor sister
48. Where the intestate has left neither lineal descendant, nor parent, nor brother, nor sister, his property shall be divided equally among those of his relatives who are in the nearest degree of kindred to him.
(i) A, the intestate, has left a grandfather, and a grandmother and no other relative standing in the same or a nearer degree of kindred to him. They, being in the second degree, will be entitled to the property in equal shares, exclusive of any uncle or aunt of the intestate, uncles and aunts being only in the third degree.
(ii) A, the intestate, has left a great-grandfather, or a great-grandmother, and uncles and aunts, and no other relative standing in the same or a nearer degree of kindred to him. All of these being in the third degree will take equal shares.
(iii) A, the intestate, left a great-grandfather, an uncle and a nephew, but no relative standing in a nearer degree of kindred to him. All of these being in the third degree will take equal shares.
(iv) Ten children of one brother or sister of the intestate, and one child of another brother or sister of the intestate, constitute the class of relatives of the nearest degree of kindred to him. They will each take one-eleventh of the property.
Children's advancements not brought into hotchpot
49. Where a distributive share in the property of a person who has died intestate is claimed by a child, or any descendant of a child, of such person, no money or other property which the intestate may, during his life, have paid, given or settled to, or for the advancement of, the child by whom or by whose descendant the claim is made shall be taken into account in estimating such distributive share.

Chapter III


General Principles relating to intestate successionc
50. For the purpose of intestate succession among Parsis-
(a) there is no distinction between those who were actually born in the lifetime of a person ceased and those who at the date of his death were only conceived in the womb, but who have been subsequently born alive;
(b) a lineal descendant of an intestate who has died in the lifetime of the intestate without leaving a widow or widower or any lineal descendant or a widow of any lineal descendant shall not be taken into account in determining the manner in which the property of which the intestate has died intestate shall be divided; and
(c) where a widow of any relative of an intestate has married again in the lifetime of the intestate, she shall not be entitled to receive any share of the property of which the intestate has died intestate, and she shall be deemed not to be existing at the intestate's death.
Division of a male intestate's property among his widow, children and parents
51. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the property of which a male Parsi dies intestate shall be divided-
(a) where he dies leaving a widow and children, among the widow and children, so that the share of each son and of the widow shall be double the share of each daughter, or
(b) where he dies leaving children but no widow, among the children, so that the share of each son shall be double the share of each daughter.
(2) Where a male Parsi dies leaving one or both parents in addition to children or a widow and children, the property of which he dies intestate shall be divided so that the father shall receive a share equal to half the share of a son and the mother shall receive a share equal to half the share of a daughter.
Division of a female intestate's property among her widower and children
52. The property of which a female Parsi dies intestate shall be divided-
(a) where she dies leaving a widower and children among the widower and children so that the widower and each child receive equal shares, or
(b) where she dies leaving children but no widower, among the children in equal shares.
Division of share of predeceased child of intestate leaving lineal descendants
53. In all cases where a Parsi dies leaving any lineal descendant, if any child of such intestate has died in the lifetime of the intestate, the division of the share of the property of which the intestate has died intestate which such child would have taken if living at the intestate's death shall be in accordance with the following rules, namely:-
(a) If such deceased child was a son, his widow and children shall take shares in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter as if he had died immediately after the intestate's death:
Provided that where such deceased son has left a widow or a widow of a lineal descendant but no lineal descendant, the residue of his share after such distribution has been made shall be divided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter as property of which the intestate has died intestate, and in making the division of such residue the said deceased son of the intestate shall not be taken into account.
(b) If such deceased child was a daughter, her share shall be divided equally among her children.
(c) If any child of such deceased child has also died during the lifetime of the intestate, the share which he or she would have taken if living at the intestate's death shall be divided in like manner in accordance with clause (a) or clause (b) as the case may be.
(d) Where a remoter lineal descendant of the intestate has died during the lifetime of the intestate, the provisions of clause (c) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the division of any share to which he or she would have been entitled if living at the intestate's death by reason of the predeceased of all the intestate's lineal descendants directly between him or her and the intestate.
Division of property where intestate leaves no lineal descendant but leaves a widow or widower or a widow of any lineal descendant
54. Where a Parsi dies without leaving any lineal descendant but leaving a widow or widower or a widow of a lineal descendant, the property of which the intestate dies intestate shall be divided in accordance with the following rules, namely:-
(a) If the intestate leaves a widow or widower but no widow of a lineal descendant, the widow or widower shall take half the said property.
(b) If the intestate leaves a widow or widower and also a widow of any lineal descendant, his widow or her widower shall receive one-third of the said property, and the widow of any lineal descendant shall receive another one-third, or if there is more than one such widow, the last mentioned one-third shall be divided equally among them.
(c) If the intestate leaves no widow or widower but one widow of a lineal descendant, she shall receive one-third of the said property or, if the intestate leaves no widow or widower but more than one widow of a lineal descendant, two-thirds of the said property shall be divided among such widows in equal shares.
(d) The residue after the division specified in clause (a), (b) or (c) has been made shall be distributed among the relatives of the intestate in the order specified the relatives of the intestate in the order specified in Part I of Schedule II. The next-of-kin standing first in Part I of that Schedule shall be preferred to those standing second, the second to the third, and so on in succession, provided that the property shall be so distributed that each male shall take double the share of each female standing in the same degree of propinquity.
(e) If there are no relatives entitled to the residue under clause (d), the whole of the residue shall be distributed in proportion to the shares specified among the persons entitled to receive shares under this section.
Division of property where intestate leaves neither lineal descendants nor a widow or widower nor a widow of any lineal descendant
55. When a Parsi dies leaving neither lineal descendants nor a widow or widower nor a widow of any lineal descendant, his or her next-of-kin, in the order set forth in Part II of Schedule II, shall be entitled to succeed to the whole of the property of which he or she dies intestate. The next-of-kin standing first in Part II of that Schedule shall be preferred to those standing second, the second to the third, and so on in succession, provided that the property shall be so distributed that each male shall take double the share of each female standing in the same degree of propinquity.
Division of property where there is no relative entitled to succeed under the other provisions of this Chapter
56. Where there is no relative entitled to succeed under the other provisions of this Chapter to the property of which a Parsi has died intestate, the said property shall be divided equally among those of the intestate's relatives who are in the nearest degree of kindred to him.

  • 1
    Section 33A was inserted by section 3 of the Indian Succession (Amendment) Act, 1926 (Act No. XL of 1926)
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