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The Vehicles Act, 1927

( ACT NO. I OF 1927 )

Power of Government to make rules
12. (1) The Government, subject to the condition of previous publication, shall make rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act and of regulating, in the whole or any part of Bangladesh, except the district of Sylhet, the use of vehicles or any class of vehicles in public places.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, the Government may make rules for al or any of the following purposes, namely:-
(a) Providing for the registration of vehicles, and the conditions subject to which they may be registered, the fees payable in respect of an incidental to registration, the notification of any changes of ownership, and the area in which, and the duration for which, certificates of registration shall be valid;
(b) providing for facilitating the identification of vehicles by the assignment to them of distinguishing numbers and the displaying upon them of number and name plates, or in any other manner;
(c) regulating the construction and equipment of vehicles, including the provision and use of lights, bells or other appliances;
(d) prescribing the authority by which, and the conditions subject to which, drivers of vehicles or any class of such drivers may be licensed, the fees payable in respect of such licences, and the area within which, and the duration for which licences shall be valid;
(e) prescribing the authority by which, and the conditions and limitations subject to which, licenses may be suspended or cancelled;
(f) prescribing the precautions to be observed when vehicles are standing in any public place;
(g) prohibiting or regulating the driving of vehicles in public places, where their use may, in the opinion of the Government, be attended with danger or inconvenience to the public;
(h) prescribing the authority who shall give and the manner of giving the notice referred to in section 13; and
(i) providing generally for the prevention of danger, injury or annoyance to the public or any person, or of danger or injury to property, or of obstruction to traffic.
(3) All rules made under this section shall be published in the official Gazette; and, on such publication, shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs