Prescription of grade designations
3. The [Government] may, after previous publication by notification in the official Gazette, make rules-
(a) fixing grade designations to indicate the quality of any scheduled article;
(b) defining the quality indicated by every grade designation;
(c) specifying grade designation marks to represent particular grade designations;
(d) authorising a person or a body of persons, subject to any prescribed conditions, to mark with a grade designation mark any article in respect of which such mark has been prescribed or any covering containing or label attached to any such article;
(e) specifying the conditions referred to in clause (d) including in respect of any article conditions as to the manner of marking, the manner in which the article shall be packed, the type of covering to be used, and the quantity by weight, number or otherwise to be included in each covering;
(f) providing for the payment of any expenses incurred in connection with the manufacture or use of any implement necessary for the reproduction of a grade designation mark or with the manufacture or use of any covering or label marked with a grade designation mark or with measures for the control of the quality of articles marked with grade designation marks including testing of samples and inspection of such articles or with any publicity work carried out to promote the sale of any class of such articles; and
(g) providing for the confiscation and disposal of produce marked otherwise than in accordance with the prescribed conditions with a grade designation mark.