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The Insurance Act, 1938

( ACT NO. IV OF 1938 )

Sanction of amalgamation and transfer by Court
36. When any application such as is referred to in sub-section (3) of section 35 is made to the Court, the Court shall cause, if for special reasons it so directs, notice of the application to be sent to every person resident in Bangladesh 1[* * *] who is the holder of a life policy of any insurer concerned and shall cause a statement of the nature and terms of the amalgamation or transfer, as the case may be, to be published in such manner and for such period as it may direct, and after hearing the directors and such policy-holders as apply to be heard and any other persons whom it considers entitled to be heard, may sanction the arrangement, if it is satisfied that no Sanction of amalgamation and transfer by Court
sufficient objection to the arrangement has been established and shall make such consequential orders as are necessary to give effect to the arrangement, including orders as to the disposal of any deposit made under section 7 or section 98:
Provided that-
(a) no part of the deposit made by any party to the amalgamation or transfer shall be returned except where, after effect is given to the arrangement, the whole of the deposit to be made by the insurer carrying on the amalgamated business or the person to whom the business is transferred is completed,
(b) only so much shall be returned as is no longer required to complete the deposit last mentioned in clause (a), and
(c) while the deposit last mentioned in clause (a) remains incompleted, no accession, resulting from the arrangement, to the amount already deposited by the insurer carrying on the amalgamated business or the person to whom the business is transferred shall be appropriated as payment or part payment of any instalment of deposit subsequently due from him under section 7 or section 98.

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