Powers exercisable for purposes of field firing and artillery practice
10. (1) Where a notification under sub-section (2) of section 9 has been issued, such persons as are included in the forces engaged in field firing or artillery practice may, within the notified area or specified part thereof during the specified period or periods,-
(a) carry out field firing and artillery practice with lethal missiles, and
(b) exercise, subject to the provisions of sections 3 and 4, any of the rights conferred by section 3 on forces engaged in military manoeuvres:
Provided that the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 3 shall not debar entry into, or interference with, any place specified in that sub-section, if it is situated in an area declared to be a danger zone under sub-section (2) of this section, to the extent that may be necessary to ensure the exclusion from it of persons and domestic animals:
Provided further that in the case of a dwelling house occupied by women adequate warning shall be given through a local inhabitant and entry shall be effected after such warning in the presence of two respectable inhabitants of the locality.
(2) The Officer Commanding the forces engaged in any such practice may, within the notified area or specified part thereof, declare any area to be a danger zone, and thereupon the Collector shall, on application made to him by the Officer Commanding the forces engaged in the practice, prohibit the entry into and secure the removal from such danger zone of all persons and domestic animals during the times when the discharge of lethal missiles is taking place or there is danger to life or health.