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The Jute Regulation Act, 1940 (Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. V OF 1940 )

Allotment of areas, and issue of licences, to growers of jute

10. (1) On the publication of a notification under section 9, every Committee constituted under sub section (1) or sub section (5) of section 6, and every Government servant authorised under sub section (5) or appointed under sub section (7) of that section to perform the functions of a Committee in this behalf, shall, in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed period, allot to every grower of jute who is within the jurisdiction of such Committee or of such Government servant, as the case may be, and is named in the final record relating to the previous year or years referred to in the said notification, or to the successor in interest of any such grower of jute, an area of land which bears, to the area of land entered in the said final record against the name either of such grower of jute or of his predecessor in interest, the same proportion as that declared by the said notification, and shall, after giving notice in such form and manner as may be prescribed, issue to each such grower of jute or to his successor-in interest, in such form as may be prescribed, a licence specifying the area so allotted and the land comprised within such area:


Provided that the provisions of this sub section shall apply to the issue of a licence required in consequence of any revision of the final record directed under sub section (1) of section 5 or in compliance with any order made under sub section (1) of section 12:


Provided further that no grower of jute or his successor in interest, who is entitled to receive a licence for growing jute under the provisions of this sub section, shall be granted a licence unless he applies in writing for the grant of such a licence and that no such application shall be entertained unless a fee calculated on the following scale or such other scale, as may be prescribed from time to time, is paid with the application in Court fee or in cash and in the latter case the applicant shall be granted a receipt therefore by the receiving officer:-


For land not exceeding one acre at the rate of 1[twenty five poisha] for every .25 acre or portion thereof.


For land exceeding one acre at the rate of 2[fifty poisha] for every .25 acre or portion thereof in respect of the entire area.


(2) When a notice is given under sub section (1), any person to whom an allotment of area has been made under that sub section, and who desires to grow jute on any land not entered against the name of himself or his predecessor in interest in the record relating to the previous year or years referred to in the notification under section 9, may, in such manner as may be prescribed and together with a certified copy of the entry relating to such land in the finally published record of rights, apply to the Committee or to a Government servant authorised under sub section (5) or appointed under sub-section (7) of section 6 for permission to grow jute on the whole or such portion of such land as may be


specified in the application; and the Committee or such Government servant, if satisfied that permission should be granted, shall specify such land in the licence to be issued in conformity with the provisions of sub section (1):


Provided that the total area of land specified in the licence shall in no case exceed the total area of land allotted to the applicant under sub section (1).


(3) Every licence issued under sub section (1) shall be issued in duplicate, shall bear the date of its issue and shall be signed and sealed in the prescribed manner, and the duplicate copy of every licence shall be retained by the Committee or Government servant issuing the licence.


(4) In any year in respect of which a declaration has been published under section 9, no grower of jute shall grow jute except in conformity with a licence issued under sub section (1).

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