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The Money-Lenders Act, 1940 (Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. X OF 1940 )

Chapter III


Appointment of Provincial and other Registrars
6. There shall be a Principal Registrar for the purposes of this Act and as many Registrars and Sub-Registrars of money-lenders for assisting the Registrar as the Government may from time to time determine. The Government may define, by notification in the official Gazette, the area within which each such officer shall exercise his powers and perform his duties and may prescribe the control which shall be exercised by the Principal Registrar over Registrars and Sub-Registrars and by a Registrar over Sub-Registrars:
Provided that no person who is not a Government servant shall be empowered to act as a Principal Registrar, Registrar or Sub-Registrar under this Act.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs