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The Drugs Act, 1940

( ACT NO. XXIII OF 1940 )

এই আইন ঔষধ ও কসমেটিকস্ আইন, ২০২৩ ( ২০২৩ সনের ২৯ নং আইন ) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।

Chapter III


Standards of quality
8. (1) For the purposes of this Chapter the expression “standard quality” when applied to a drug means that the drug complies with the standard set out in the Schedule. (2) The Government, after consultation with the Board and after giving by notification in the official Gazette not less than three months' notice of its intention so to do, may by a like notification add to or otherwise amend the Schedule for the purposes of this Chapter, and thereupon the Schedule shall be deemed to be amended accordingly.
Misbranded drugs
9. For the purposes of this Chapter a drug shall be deemed to be Misbranded-
(a) if it is an imitation of, or substitute for, or resembles in a manner likely to deceive, another drug, or bears upon it or upon its label or container the name of another drug, unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal its true character and its lack of identity with such other drug; or
(b) if it purports to be the product of a place or country of which it is not truly a product; or
(c) if it is imported under a name which belongs to another drug; or
(d) if it is so coloured, coated, powdered or polished that damage is concealed, or if it is made to appear of better or greater therapeutic value than it really is; or
(e) if it is not labelled in the prescribed manner; or
(f) if its label or container or anything accompanying the drug bears any statement, design or device which makes any false claim for the drug or which is false or misleading in any particular; or
(g) if the label or container bears the name of an individual or company purporting to be the manufacturer or producer of the drug, which individual or company is fictitious or does not exist.
Prohibition of import of certain drugs
10. From such date as may be fixed by the Government by notification in the official Gazette in this behalf, no person shall import
(a) any drug which is not of standard quality;
(b) any misbranded drug;
(c) any drug for the import of which a licence is prescribed, otherwise than under, and in accordance with, such licence;
(d) any patent or proprietary medicine, unless there is displayed in the prescribed manner on the label or container thereof either the true formula or list of ingredients contained in it in a manner readily intelligible to members of the medical profession;
(e) any drug which by means of any statement, design or device accompanying it or by any other means, purports or claims to cure or mitigate any such disease or ailment, or to have any such other effect, as may be prescribed;
(f) any drug the import of which is prohibited by rule made under this Chapter:
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the import, subject to prescribed conditions, of small quantities of any drug for the purpose of examination, test or analysis or for personal use:
Provided further that the Government may, after consultation with the Board, by notification in the official Gazette, permit, subject to any conditions specified in the notification, the import of any drug or class of drugs not being of standard quality.
Explanation. The formula or list of ingredients mentioned in clause (d) shall be deemed to be true and a sufficient compliance with that sub clause if, without disclosing a full and detailed recipe of the ingredients, it indicates correctly all potent or poisonous substances contained therein together with an approximate statement of the composition of the medicine.
Application of law relating to sea customs and powers of Customs officers
11. (1) The law for the time being in force relating to sea customs and to goods, the import of which is prohibited by 1[section 15 of the Customs Act, 1969], shall, subject to the provisions of section 13 of this Act, apply in respect of drugs the import of which is prohibited under this Chapter, and
officers of Customs and officers empowered under that Act to perform the duties imposed thereby on a 2[Collector of Customs] and other officers of Customs, shall have the same powers in respect of such drugs as they have for the time being in respect of such goods as aforesaid.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub section (1), the 3[Collector of Customs], or any servant of the 4[Republic] authorised by the Government in this behalf, may detain any imported package which he suspects to contain any drug the import of which is prohibited under this Chapter, and shall forthwith report such detention to the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory and, if required by him, forward the package or samples of any suspected drug found therein to the said Laboratory.
Power of Government to make rules
12. (1) The Government may, after consultation with the Board and after previous publication by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may-
(a) specify the drugs or classes of drugs for the import of which a licence is required, and prescribe the form and conditions of such licences, the authority empowered to issue the same, and the fees payable therefore;
(b) prescribe the methods of test or analysis to be employed in determining whether a drug is of standard quality;
(c) prescribe, in respect of biological and organo-metallic compounds, the units or methods of standardisation;
(d) specify the diseases or ailments which an imported drug may not purport or claim to cure or mitigate and such other effects which such drug may not purport or claim to have;
(e) prescribe the conditions subject to which small quantities of drugs, the import of which is otherwise prohibited under this Chapter, may be imported for the purpose of examination, test or analysis or for personal use;
(f) prescribe the places at which drugs may be imported, and prohibit their import at any other place;
(g) require the date of manufacture and the date of expiry of potency to be clearly and truly stated on the label or container of any specified imported drug or class of such drug, and prohibit the import of the said drug or class of drug after the expiry of a specified period from the date of manufacture;
(h) regulate the submission by importers, and the securing, of samples of drugs for examination, test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratory, and prescribe the fees, if any, payable for such examination, test or analysis;
(i) prescribe the evidence to be supplied, whether by accompanying documents or otherwise, of the quality of drugs sought to be imported, the procedure of officers of Customs in dealing with such evidence, and the manner of storage at places of import of drugs detained pending admission;
(j) provide for the exemption, conditionally or otherwise, from all or any of the provisions of this Chapter and the rules made thereunder of drugs imported for the purpose only of transport through, and export from, Bangladesh;
(k) prescribe the conditions to be observed in the packing in bottles, packages or other containers, of imported drugs;
(l) regulate the mode of labelling drugs imported for sale in packages, and prescribe the matters which shall or shall not be included in such labels;
(m) prescribe the maximum proportion of any poisonous substance which may be added to or contained in any imported drug, prohibit the import of any drug in which that proportion is exceeded, and specify substances which shall be deemed to be poisonous for the purposes of this Chapter and the rules made thereunder;
(n) require that the accepted scientific name of any specified drug shall be displayed in the prescribed manner on the label or wrapper of any imported, patent or proprietary medicine containing such drug;
(o) provide for the exemption, conditionally or otherwise, from all or any of the provisions of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder, of any specified drug or class of drugs.
13. (1) Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Chapter or of any rule made thereunder shall, in addition to any penalty to which he may be liable under the provision of section 11, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to five hundred Taka, or with both.
(2) Whoever, having been convicted under sub section (1), is again convicted under that sub section shall, in addition to any penalty as aforesaid, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to one thousand Taka, or with both.
14. Where any offence punishable under section 13 has been committed, the consignment of the drug in respect of which the offence has been committed shall be liable to confiscation.
15. No Court inferior to that of a magistrate of the first class shall try an offence punishable under section 13.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs