Detention in receiving centre and medical examination of vagrant
8. (1) When a person has been declared to be a vagrant under sub-section (1) of section 7 he shall forthwith be sent in the manner prescribed to the nearest receiving centre and there handed over to the custody of the officer-in-charge of such receiving centre, and such vagrant shall be detained in such receiving centre until he is sent therefrom to a vagrants' home under sub-section (1) of section 9.
(2) As soon as possible after the commencement of the detention of a vagrant in a receiving centre the medical officer of such receiving centre shall with such medical help as may be necessary medically examine the vagrant in the manner prescribed as quickly as is consistent with the circumstances of the case and shall thereupon furnish the officer-in-charge of the receiving centre with a medical report regarding the health and bodily condition of the vagrant.
(3) The medical report referred to in sub-section (2) shall state inter alia,-
(a) the sex and age of the vagrant;
(b) whether the vagrant is a leper;
(c) from what, if any, communicable diseases other than leprosy the vagrant is suffering;
(d) whether the vagrant is insane or mentally deficient;
(e) what is the general state of health and bodily condition of the vagrant and for which, if any, of the prescribed types of work he is fit.