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1The Court-fees Act, 1870

( ACT NO. VII OF 1870 )

Chapter VI


31. [Repealed by section 163 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 1923, (Act No. XVIII of 1923).]
32. [Repealed by the Amending Act 1891 (Act No. XII of 1891).]
Administration in criminal cases of documents for which proper fee has not been paid
33. Whenever the filing or exhibition in a Criminal Court of a document in respect of which the proper fee has not been paid is, in the opinion of the presiding Judge, necessary to prevent a failure of justice, nothing contained in section 4 or section 6 shall be deemed to prohibit such filing or exhibition.
Sale of stamps
34.(1) The Government may, from time to time, make rules for regulating the sale of stamps or granting of receipts to be used under this Act, the person by whom alone such sale is to be conducted or grant is to be made, and the duties and remunerations of such persons.
(2) All such rules shall be published in the official Gazette, and shall thereupon have the force of law.
(3) Any person, appointed to sell stamps or grant receipts, who disobeys any rule made under this section, and any person, not so appointed, who sells or offers for sale any stamp or grants or offers to grant any receipt, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, which may extend to 2[fifty thousand] taka, or with both.
Enlargement of time
3[34A. Where any period is fixed or granted by the Court for the doing of any act prescribed or allowed by this Act, the Court
may, in its discretion, from time to time enlarge such period, even though the period originally fixed or granted may have expired.]
Power to suspend, reduce or remit fees
35.(1) The Government may from time to time subject to such conditions or restrictions as it may think fit to impose, by notification in the official Gazette, suspend the payment of or reduce or remit, in the whole of 4[Bangladesh] or in any part thereof, all or any of the fees mentioned in the first and 2nd schedules to this Act annexed and may in like manner cancel or vary such order.
(2) The Government may, from time to time by rules prescribe the manner in which any fee the payment of which is suspended under sub-section (1) may be realized and for this purpose direct that such fee may be recovered as a public demand.
Variation of rates
5[35A.(1) The ad valorem fees leviable on the institution of suits specified in Schedule I [as amended before the promulga-tion of the Court-fees (Amendment) Ordinance, 1962, by any Central or Provincial Act] shall be reduced by fifteen per centum where the value of the subject-matter exceeds two thousand taka but does not exceed fifteen thousand taka and shall be increased by fifteen per centum where the value of the subject-matter exceeds fifteen thousand taka:
Provided that the proper Court-fee, where the value of the subject-matter exceeds two thousand taka but does not exceed two thousand four hundred taka, shall be two hundred eighty-one taka and twenty-five poisha.
(2) The amount of fee leviable after reduction of increase provided for in sub-section (1) shall be calculated to the nearest taka or half taka, whichever it may be.]
Saving of fees to certain officers of the High Court Division
36. Nothing in Chapters II and V of this Act applies to the fees which any officer of the High Court Division is allowed to receive in addition to a fixed salary.
Mode of refund
6[37. Fees refundable under this Act or any other law may be refunded through electronically or digitally.]

  • 1
    Throughout this Act, except otherwise provided, the words "the High Court Division", “Government” and “Taka” were substituted for the words "High Court" or "a High Court" or "any of the High Court", “Provincial Government” or “appropriate Government” and “rupees” or “Rs.” respectively by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973).
  • 2
    The words “fifty thousand” were substituted for the words “five hundred” by section 4 of the Court Fees (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. XIV of 2016).
  • 3
    Section 34A was inserted by section 14 of the Court-fees (Amendment) Act, 1935 (Act VII of 1935).
  • 4
    The word “Bangladesh” was replaced for the words “East Pakistan” by Article 5 of the Bangladesh (Adaptation of Existing Laws) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 48 of 1972).
  • 5
    Sections 35A was inserted by section 4 of Ordinance, 1962 (Ordinance No. LII of 1962).
  • 6
    Section 37 was added by section 5 of the Court Fees (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. XIV of 2016).
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