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The Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance, 1944

( Ordinance NO. XXXVIII OF 1944 )

Administration of attached property
9. (1) The District Judge may, on the application of any person interested in any property attached under this Ordinance and after giving the agent of the Government an opportunity of being heard, make such orders as the District Judge considers just and reasonable for
(a) providing from such of the attached property as the applicant claims an interest in, such sums as may be reasonably necessary for the maintenance of the applicant and of his family, and for the expenses connected with the defence of the applicant where criminal proceedings have been instituted against him in any Court for a scheduled offence;
(b) safeguarding so far as may be practicable the interests of any business affected by the attachment, and in particular, the interests of any partners in such business.
(2) Where it appears to the District Judge to be just and convenient, he may by order appoint a receiver to manage any property attached under this Ordinance in accordance with such instructions as the District Judge may from time to time think fit to give; and where a receiver is so appointed, the provisions of rules 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Order XL of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, shall be applicable.

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