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The Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance, 1944

( Ordinance NO. XXXVIII OF 1944 )

Disposal of attached property upon termination of criminal proceedings
13. (1) Upon the termination of any criminal proceedings for any scheduled offence in respect of which any order of attachment of property has been made under this Ordinance or security given in lieu thereof, the agent of the Government shall without delay inform the District Judge, and shall where criminal proceedings have been taken in any Court, furnish the District Judge with a copy of the judgment or order of the trying Court and with copies of the judgments or orders, if any, of the appellate or revisional Courts thereon.
(2) Where it is reported to the District Judge under sub section (1) that cognizance of the alleged scheduled offence has not been taken or where the final judgment or order of the criminal Courts is one of acquittal, the District Judge shall forthwith withdraw any orders of attachment of property made in connection with the offence, or where security has been given in lieu of such attachment, order such security to be returned.
(3) Where the final judgment or order of the criminal Courts is one of the conviction, the District Judge shall order that from the property of the convicted person attached under this Ordinance or out of the security given in lieu of such attachment, there shall be forfeited to Government such amount or value as is found in the final judgment or order of the criminal Courts in pursuance of section 12 to have been procured by the convicted person by means of the offence, together with the costs of attachment as determined by the District Judge; and where the final judgment or order of the criminal Courts has imposed or upheld a sentence of fine on the said person (whether alone or in conjunction with any other punishment), the District Judge may order, without prejudice to any other mode of recovery, that the said fine shall be recovered from the residue of the said attached property or of the security given in lieu of attachment.
(4) Where the amounts ordered to be forfeited or recovered under sub section (3) exceed the value of the property of the convicted person attached, and where the property of any transferee of the convicted person has been attached under section 6, the District Judge shall order that the balance of the amount ordered to be forfeited under sub section (3) together with the costs of attachment of the transferee's property as determined by the District Judge shall be forfeited to Government from the attached property of the transferee or out of the security given in lieu of such attachment; and the District Judge may order, without prejudice to any other mode of recovery, that any fine referred to in sub section (3) or any portion thereof not recovered under that sub section shall be recovered from that attached property of the transferee or out of the security given in lieu of such attachment.
(5) If any property remains under attachment in respect of any scheduled offence or any security given in lieu of such attachment remains with the District Judge after his orders under sub sections (3) and (4) have been carried into effect, the order of attachment in respect of such property remaining shall be forthwith withdrawn, or as the case may be, the remainder of the security returned, under the orders of the District Judge.
(6) Every sum ordered to be forfeited under this section in connection with any scheduled offence other than one specified in item 1 of the Schedule to this Ordinance shall, after deduction of the costs of attachment as determined by the District Judge, be credited to the Government 1[* * *] or local authority to which the offence has caused loss, or 2[where loss has been caused to Government and one or more local authorities or to more than one] local authority, the sum shall, after such deduction as aforesaid, be distributed among them in proportion to the loss sustained by each.

  • 1
    The brackets and the words “(being a Government referred to in the said Schedule)” were omitted by section 3 and the Second Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
  • 2
    The words “where loss has been caused to Government and one or more local authorities or to more than one” were substituted for the words “where there is more than one such Government or” by section 3 and the Second Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
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