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The Oilseeds Committee Act, 1946

( ACT NO. IX OF 1946 )

Application of fund

9. (1) The Committee shall take such measures as it may consider necessary or expedient for the improvement and development of the cultivation and marketing of oilseeds and of the production, utilisation and marketing of oilseed products.


(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, the Committee may defray expenditure involved in-


(a) undertaking, assisting or encouraging agricultural, industrial, technological and economic research, including research into the food value of oilseeds and oilseed products;


(b) supplying technical advice to growers and millers;


(c) encouraging the adoption of improved methods of cultivation and storage of oilseeds;


(d) producing, testing and distributing improved varieties of oilseeds or assisting such work;


(e) assisting in the control of insect and other pests and diseases of oilseeds both in the field and in storage;


(f) promoting the improvement of the marketing of oilseeds and their products including the setting up and adoption of grade standards for oilseeds and their products;


(g) collecting statistics from growers, dealers and millers on all relevant matters and promoting improvement in the forecasting of oilseed crops and the preparation of all relevant statistics relating to oilseeds and oilseed products;


(h) maintaining, and assisting in the maintenance of, such institutes, farms and stations as it may consider necessary;


(i) advising and providing assistance on all matters connected with the improvement of the cultivation of oilseeds (including advising on the best and most suitable varieties of oilseeds to be cultivated) and the improvement of the industries using oilseeds or their products;


(j) promoting and encouraging the co operative movement in the oilseeds industry;


(k) adopting such measures as may be practicable for assuring remunerative returns to growers;


(l) organising the establishment of growers', millers' and consumers' associations;


(m) aiding and encouraging the establishment of exhibitions for demonstrating the uses of oilseeds and oilseed products;


(n) adopting any other measures or performing any other duties which it may be required by the Government to adopt or perform or which the Committee may itself think necessary or advisable in order to carry out the purposes of this Act.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs