1The Cattle-trespass Act, 1871

( ACT NO. I OF 1871 )

2♣An act to consolidate and amend the law relating to Trespasses by Cattle.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to trespass by cattle; It is enacted hereby follows:-



1. Title and extent

2. Repeal of Acts References to repealed Acts

3. Interpretation- clause

4. Establishment of pounds

5. Control of pounds Rates of charge for feeding impounded cattle

6. Appointment of pound-keepers

Pound-keepers may hold other offices

Pound-keepers to be “public servants”

7. To keep registers and furnish returns

8. To register seizures

9. To take charge of and feed cattle

10. Cattle damaging land

Police to aid seizures

11. Cattle damaging public roads, canals and embankments

12. Fines for cattle impounded

List of fines and charges for feeding

13. Procedure when owner claims the cattle and pays fines and charges

14. Procedure if cattle be not claimed within a week

15. Delivery to owner disputing legality of seizure but making deposit

16. Procedure when owner refuses or omits to pay the fines and expenses

Deduction of fines and expenses

Delivery of unsold cattle and balance of proceeds


17. Disposal of fines, expenses and surplus proceeds of sale

18. [Repealed]

19. Officers and pound-keepers not to purchase cattle at sales under Act

Pound-keepers when not to release impounded cattle

20. Power to make complaints

21. Procedure on complaint

22. Compensation for illegal seizure or detention

Release of cattle

23. Recovery of compensation

24. Penalty for forcibly opposing the seizure of cattle or rescuing the same

25. Recovery of penalty for mischief committed by causing cattle to trespass

26. Penalty for damage caused to land or crops or public roads by pigs

27. Penalty on pound-keeper failing to perform duties

28. Application of fines recovered under sections 25, 26 or 27

29. Saving of right to sue for compensation

30. Set- off

31. Power for Government to transfer certain functions to local authority and direct credit of surplus receipts to local fund

32.Power for Magistrate of the District to appoint the Chairman of Municipalities or President, of Union Boards to discharge the functions of an officer under section 14

33.Delegation of certain powers of the Magistrate of the District
