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The Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. XXIII OF 1949 )

Chapter V


Power of the co-sharer or the immediate landlord of transferor to purchase
24. (1) If a portion or share of the non-agricultural land held by a non-agricultural tenant is transferred, one or more co-sharer tenants of such land may, within four months of the service of notice issued under section 23 and, in case no notice had been issued or served, then within four months from the date of knowledge of such transfer, apply to the court for such portion or share to be transferred to himself or to themselves, as the case may be.
(2) The application under sub-section (1) shall be dismissed unless the applicant at the time of making it deposits in Court the amount of the consideration money or the value of the portion or share of the property transferred as stated in the notice served on the applicant under section 23 together with compensation at the rate of five per centum of such amount.
(3) If such deposit is made, the Court shall give notice to the transferee to appear within such period as it may fix and to state what other sums he has paid in respect of rent for the period after the date of transfer or in annulling encumbrances on the property and also what other amounts, if any, have been spent by him, between the date of the transfer and the date of service of the notice of the application, in erecting any building or structure or in making any other improvement in the portion or share of the property transferred. The Court shall then direct the applicant, including any person whose application under sub-section (4) is granted, to deposit within such period as the Court thinks reasonable such amount as the transferee has paid or spent on these accounts together with interest at the rate of six and a quarter per centum per annum with effect from the date on which the transferee made such payments or spent such amounts:
Provided that if the correctness of any amount claimed to have been paid or spent by the transferee on any such account is disputed by any applicant the Court shall enquire into such dispute and, after giving the transferee an opportunity of being heard, determine the amount actually paid or spent by the transferee on any such account and shall then direct the applicant to deposit the amount so determined with interest at the rate of six and quarter per centum per annum as aforesaid within such period as the Court thinks reasonable.
(4) (a) When an application has been made by one or more co-sharer tenants under sub-section (1) any of the remaining co-sharer tenants including the transferee, if one of them, may within the period of four months referred to in the said sub-section or within one month of the service of notice of the application, whichever is later, apply to join in the said application, and any co-sharer tenant who has not applied under sub-section (1) or has not applied to join under this sub-section, shall not have any further right to purchase under this section.
(b) Such application to join as a co-applicant shall be dismissed unless within such period as the Court may fix, the applicant deposits in Court for payment to the applicant under sub-section (1), such sum, as the Court shall determine as the share to be paid by him for the purposes of sub-section (2).
(c) If such deposit is made, the Court shall grant the application to join and thereafter such applicant shall be deemed to be an applicant under sub-section (1).
(5) If the deposits required under sub-section (2) or clause (b) of sub-section (4), as the case may be, and under sub-section (3) are made, the Court shall make an order allowing the application and directing that the deposits made under sub-sections (2) and (3) shall be paid to the transferee or to such persons as the Court thinks fit.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force the Court shall, if the applicant under sub-section (1) or any person whose application under sub-section (4) is granted disputes the correctness of the amount of the consideration money as stated in the notice issued under section 23, inquire into such dispute before making an order under sub-section (5) and after giving the transferee an opportunity of being heard determine for the purposes of this section the amount of the consideration money which the transferee has actually paid for the transfer of the portion or share of the property and the amount so determined shall be deemed to be the consideration money referred to in sub-section (2) and where the amount of the consideration money has been so determined the deposit made under that sub-section shall for the purposes of sub-section (5) be the amount so determined together with the compensation at the rate of five per centum of such amount.
(7) In making an order under sub-section (5) in favour of more than one co-sharer tenant, the Court may apportion the property comprised in the portion or share transferred among the applicants in such manner as it deems equitable after taking existing possession into consideration; the Court shall so apportion the said property or portion thereof on the request of any applicant and, in this case, may require the applicant who makes such request to deposit, within such period as the Court may fix, such further sums as the Court considers necessary for equitable distribution among the remaining applicants:
Provided that no apportionment order under this sub-section shall operate as a division of the tenancy.
(8) From the date of making of the order under sub-section (5)-
(i) the right, title and interest in the share or portion of the non-agricultural land accruing to the transferee from the transfer shall, subject to any order passed under sub-section (7), vest free from all encumbrances, which have been created after the date of transfer, in the co-sharer tenant whose application to purchase has been allowed under sub-section (5),
(ii) the liability of the transferee for the rent due from him on account of the transfer shall cease, and
(iii) the Court, on further application of such applicant, may place him in possession of the property vested in him.
(9) An appeal from any order of a Court under this section shall lie to the Civil Appellate Court having jurisdiction to entertain such appeals.
(10) Nothing in this section shall take away the right of pre-emption conferred on any person by Muhammadan Law.
(11) Nothing in this section shall apply to-
(a) a transfer to a co-sharer in the tenancy whose existing interest has accrued otherwise than by purchase, or
(b) a transfer by exchange, or partition, or
(c) a transfer by bequest or gift (including heba but excluding heba-bil-ewaz for any pecuniary consideration) in favour of the husband or wife of the testator or the donor or of any relation by consanguinity within three degrees of the testator or donor, or
(d) a wakf in accordance with the provisions of the Muhammadan Law, or
(e) a debottor or any other dedication for religious or charitable purposes without any reservation of pecuniary benefit for any individual.
Explanation.- A relation by consanguinity shall for the purposes of this sub-section, include a son adopted under the Hindu Law.

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