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The Non-Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1949 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. XXIII OF 1949 )

Chapter XI


Relief against forfeitures in certain cases
75. A suit for the ejectment of a non-agricultural tenant, on the ground that he has used the non-agricultural land in a manner which renders it unfit for use for any of the purposes specified in section 4, shall not be entertained unless the landlord has served in the prescribed manner, a notice in writing on the non-agricultural tenant-
(i) specifying the particular misuse complained of, and
(ii) if the misuse is capable of remedy, requiring the tenant to remedy the same,
and the tenant has, where the misuse is capable of remedy, failed within a reasonable time from the date of the service of the notice to remedy the misuse.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs