98. Revision of rents or raiyats and non-agricultural tenants
98A. Assessment or re-assessment of rent in certain cases
99. Order for determination of rent-rates and preparation of settlement rent-roll
100. Procedure in determining rent-rates
102. Rate shown in the table to be the maximum rate
103. Particulars to form parts of record-of-rights
105. Grounds of and limits to enhancement of rent
106. Grounds for reduction of rent
106A. Grounds for reduction of rent
107. Settlement of fair and equitable rents
108. Preliminary publication and amendment of settlement rent-roll
110. Appeal to and revision by superior Revenue Authority
111. Appeal to the Special Judge
111A. Correction of Mistakes and making alteration in rent-roll
112. Presumption to rents settled under this Chapter
113. Date from which settlement takes effect
114. Period for which rent as settled is to remain unaltered