17. Preparation of record-of-rights
18. Particulars to be recorded in the record-of-rights
19. Draft and final publication of the record-of-rights
21. Payment of rent for land retained in possession
22. All lands to be liable to fair and equitable rent determined under this Chapter
23. Determination of fair and equitable rents of khas lands
24. Determination of fair and equitable rents of raiyats and under-raiyats
25. Determination of fair and equitable rents of non-agricultural tenants
25A. Enhancement and assessment of rent in certain cases
26. Assessment of rent for rent-free land
27. Creation of separate holdings or tenancies in certain cases
28. Assessment of rents of service tenancies
29. Effect of rents settled under this Chapter
30. Bar to jurisdiction of Civil Court
31. Preparation of Compensation Assessment roll on the basis of the existing-record-of-rights
33. Order for the preparation of a compensation Assessment-roll
35. Calculation of gross assets and net income of rent-receivers
36. Net income of a recusant proprietor
36A. Net income of a recipient of Sair Compensation allowance
37. Rates of compensation for rent-receiving interests
39. Rates of compensation for khas lands
40. Preliminary publication of Compensation Assessment-roll
41. Appeal to superior Revenue Authority
42. Final publication of the Compensation Assessment-roll
43. Certificate and presumption as to final publication of Compensation Assessment-roll
45. Proclamation by the Revenue-officer
46. Printing and distribution of record-of-rights
46B. Bar to jurisdiction of Civil Court
46D. Net income of a recusant proprietor under Chapter VA
46A. Preparation of Compensation Assessment-roll in special cases
46E. Consequences of final publication of Compensation Assessment-roll under Chapter VA
47. Revenue and Judicial authorities
49. Revision of Compensation Assessment-roll
50. Correction by Revenue-Officers of bona fide mistakes
51. Appeal to the Special Judge
52. Statement of case by Special Judge to the High Court
53. Appeal to the Special Judge
54.Correction of the Compensation Assessment-roll
55.Application of the Civil Procedure Code to appeals before and inquiries by a Special Judge
56.Bar to raising of certain issues
57. Limits of and amount payable as compensation
58. Manner of payment of compensation
60. Dispute as to title or apportionment
60A. Certain sections not applicable to future acquisition
62. Payment and realisation of arrears
63. Provision regarding Pending suits and proceedings
64. Realisation of arrears in respect of lands held by tenants under Government
65. Sale of lands held by tenants under Government for arrears
66. Power to grant instalments and stay execution
67. Payment to outgoing rent-receivers
68. Computation of the period of limitation
68A. Application of this Chapter
68C. Arrears of rent and cesses due to a rent-receiver and decrees for such arrears
68E. Computation of the period of limitation
68B. Transitory Provisions in respect of pending cases before the Certificate Officer
68D. Option to have arrears collected Government on certain conditions
70. Scaling down of debts and recovery thereof
71. Government to authorise Revenue-officer to take action under section 70
72. Bar to jurisdiction of Civil Courts in certain matters
73. Power to enter upon land, to make survey, etc.
74. Power to compel production of statements and documents
75. Power to enforce attendance of witnesses and production of documents
75B. Fees for application for enquiry
75A. Prohibition of subletting
76B. Recovery of advance rent or bid money realised by outgoing rent-receivers
76. Settlement and use of land vested in the Government
76A. Creation of separate estate and apportionment of revenue
77. Protection of action taken under this Act