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The Building Construction Act, 1952 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. II OF 1953 )

Direction for removal of construction, etc.
1[3B. (1) Where it appears to the Authorised Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, that-
(a) any building has been constructed or re-constructed, or any addition or alteration to any building has been made, or any tank has been excavated or re-excavated, before or after the commencement of the Building Construction (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LXXII of 1986);
(b) any building is being constructed, or re-constructed, or any addition or alteration to any building is being made or any tank is being excavated or re-excavated,
without obtaining the sanction under section 3, or in breach of any of the terms or conditions subject to which sanction was granted under that section, he or it may, by a notice, direct the owner, the occupier and the person in-charge of the building or the tank to show cause, within such period, not being less than seven days, as may be mentioned in the notice, why-
(i) the building or any portion thereof, whether constructed or under construction, as may be specified in the notice, should not be removed or dismantled; or
(ii) the tank or any portion thereof, whether excavated or under excavation, specified in the notice, should not be filled up; or
(iii) further construction or re-construction of, or addition or alteration to, the building, or excavation or re-excavation of the tank, should not be stopped.
(2) Where a person is asked by a notice under sub-section (1) to show cause why further construction or re-construction of, or addition or alteration to, any building, or excavation or re-excavation of any tank, should not be stopped, he shall stop such further construction or re-construction or addition or alteration or excavation or re-excavation, as the case may be, from the date the notice is served on him till an order is made under sub-section (3).
(3) Where, after considering the cause shown, if any, within the time mentioned in the notice and giving the person showing the cause a reasonable opportunity of being heard, or where no cause is shown within such time, the Authorised Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, after such enquiry as he or it deems fit, is satisfied that the building has been, or is being, constructed or re-constructed, or addition or alteration to the building has been, or is being, made, or the tank has been, or is being, excavated or re-excavated without obtaining the sanction under section 3, or in breach of any of the terms and conditions subject to which sanction was granted under that section, he or it may, by an order in writing stating reasons therefore, direct the owner, the occupier and the person in-charge of the building or the tank to remove or dismantle the building or any portion thereof or to fill up the tank or any portion thereof as specified in the order within such time as may be fixed by him or to stop further construction or re-construction, addition or alteration or excavation or re-excavation, as the case may be; and otherwise shall make an order vacating the notice.
(4) Where further construction or re-construction of, or addition or alteration to, any building, or excavation or re-excavation of any tank has been stopped under sub-section (2) and cause is shown within the time mentioned in the notice against the stoppage of such further construction or re-construction, addition or alteration, excavation or re-excavation, as the case may be, the Authorised Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, shall make his or its order under sub-section (3) within fifteen days from the date the cause is shown.
(5) No order under this section shall be made directing any person to remove or dismantle any building or part thereof or to fill up any tank or part thereof unless it is found that-
(a) such building or part thereof has been constructed, or re-constructed, or such tank or part thereof has been excavated or re-excavated at a place or in a manner which is contrary to the master plan or development plan, if any, of the area in which the building or the tank is situated, or
(b) such building or part thereof cannot be re-constructed, or altered or such tank, or part thereof cannot be re-excavated, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the sanction alleged to have been breached, or
(c) such building or part thereof or such tank or part thereof causes any undue inconvenience in respect of use or occupation of any land or building or road or passage in the area adjacent to it, or
(d) sanction, if prayed for, could not be granted for the construction or re-construction of, or addition or alteration to, the building or excavation or re-excavation of the tank:
Provided such person-
(i) pays, within the time specified by the Authorised Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, a fine of an amount, which shall not be less than TK. 5,000 and more than TK. 50,000 to be determined by that Officer or the Committee,
(ii) makes necessary addition or alteration to the building, or makes the excavation or the filling up of the tank as may be directed by the Authorised Officer or the Committee within the time specified by that Officer or the Committee, and
(iii) obtains the necessary sanction on payment of a fee which shall be ten times the amount of the fee prescribed.
(6) If a person fails to pay the fine or make the addition or alteration or excavation or filling or obtain the sanction as mentioned in sub-section (5) within the time specified by the Authorised Officer or the Committee, as the case may be, under that sub-section, the said officer or the Committee may, by an order in writing, direct the owner, the occupier and the person in-charge of the building or the tank to remove or dismantle the building or any portion thereof or to fill up the tank or any portion thereof as specified in the order within such time as may be fixed by him or it.
(7) A notice or an order under this section shall be served in the prescribed manner.]

  • 1
    Section 3B was inserted by section 5 of the Building Construction (Amendment) Act, 1987 (Act No. XII of 1987)
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