Punishments awardable by courts-martial
73. Punishments may be inflicted in respect of offences committed by persons subject to this Act and convicted by courts-martial according to the scale following, that is to say:-
(a) death;
(b) long imprisonment, which shall be rigorous and for a term not exceeding fourteen years;
(c) short imprisonment, which may be rigorous or simple, for a term not exceeding two years;
(d) detention for a term not exceeding two years in the case of airmen;
(e) dismissal from service;
(f) reduction to the ranks or to a lower rank or to a lower grade, in the case of non-commissioned officers;
(g) forfeiture of seniority of rank, in the case of officers, [master warrant officers,] warrant officers and non-commissioned officers; and forfeiture of all or any part of their service for the purpose of promotion, in the case of any of them whose promotion depends upon length of service;
(h) forfeiture of service for the purpose of increased pay, pension or any other prescribed purpose;
(i) severe reprimand or reprimand, in the case of officers, [master warrant officers,] warrant officers and non-commissioned officers;
(j) forfeiture of pay and allowances for a period not exceeding three months for an offence committed on active service;
(k) forfeiture in the case of a person sentenced to dismissal from the service, of all arrears of pay and allowances and other public money due to him at the time of such dismissal;
(l) stoppages of pay and allowances until any proved loss or damage occasioned by the offence of which he is convicted is made good.