Punishment of persons other than officers and warrant officers
82. Subject to the provisions of sections 83 and 84, a commanding officer or such other officer as is, with the consent of the Government, specified by the Chief of Air Staff, may, in the prescribed manner, proceed against a person subject to this Act otherwise than as an officer or [master warrant officer or warrant officer] who is charged with an offence under this Act and award such person, to the extent prescribed, one or more of the following punishments, that is to say:-
(a) detention up to twenty-eight days;
(b) confinement to the camp up to fourteen days;
(c) extra guard or duties not exceeding three in number;
(d) deprivation of acting rank;
[(dd) relinquishment of substantive rank;]
(e) forfeiture of badge pay;
(f) severe reprimand or reprimand;
(g) fine up to fourteen days' pay in any one month;
(h) penal deductions under clause (g) of section 91;
(i) admonition;
(j) any prescribed field punishment up to twenty-eight days, in the case of a person on active service.