The Town Improvement Act, 1953 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. XIII OF 1953 )

Municipal Contributions

103. Contributions from Corporation or Paurashava Fund


104. Power of Kartripakkha to borrow money

105. Loans from Banks

106. Application of borrowed money

107. Form, signature, exchange, transfer and effect of debentures

108. Signature of coupons attached to debentures

109. Payments to survivors of joint payees

110. Receipt by joint holders for interest or dividend

111. Priority of payment for interest and repayment of loans

112. Repayment of loans taken under section 104

113. Establishment and maintenance of sinking funds

114. Power o discontinue payments into sinking funds

115. Investment of sinking funds

116. Application of sinking funds

117. Annual statement by Trustees

118. Annual examination of sinking funds

Enforcement of Liabilities

119. Procedure if Kartripakkha fail to make any payment or investment in respect of loans

120. Procedure if the Mayor of the Corporation or Chairman of the Paurashava fails to make any payment due to the Kartripakkha

121. Payment under section 119 to be a charge on the property of the Kartripakkha

Budget Estimates

122. Estimates of income and expenditure to be laid annually before the Kartripakkha

123. Sanction of Kartripakkha to estimates

124. Approval of Government to estimates

125.Transmission of copy of estimate to the [Mayor of the Corporation or Chairman of the Paurashava]

126. [Omitted.]

127. Supplementary estimates

128. Adherence to estimate and maintenance of closing balance

129. Receipt of moneys and deposit in Bank

130. Investment of surplus moneys

131. Payments by Cheques

132. Signing of orders under section 130 and cheques

133. Duty of Chairman and others before signing cheques


134. Definition of “Cost of management”

135. Keeping of capital account and revenue account

136. Credits to capital account

137. Application of capital account

138. Credits to revenue account

139. Application of revenue account

140. Power to direct sale of securities

141. Advances from revenue account to capital account

142. Advances from capital account to revenue account

143. Submission of abstracts of accounts

144. Annual audit of accounts

145. Powers of auditors

146. Remuneration of auditor

147. Auditor’s report to the Kartripakkha

148. Kartripakkha to remedy defects

149.Auditor’s report to be sent to each [member]

150. Publication and transmission of an abstract of the accounts

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs