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The Town Improvement Act, 1953 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. XIII OF 1953 )

Chapter III


Consideration of official representations
44. (1) The Kartripakkha shall consider every official representation made under section 43, and, if satisfied as to the truth thereof and to the sufficiency of their resources, shall decide whether an improvement scheme to carry such representation into effect should be framed forthwith or not, and shall forthwith intimate their decision to the Corporation or Paurashava.
(2) If the Kartripakkha decide that it is not necessary or expedient to frame an improvement scheme forthwith, they shall inform the Corporation or Paurashava of the reasons for their decision.
(3) If the Kartripakkha fail, for a period of six months after the receipt of any official representation made under section 43, to intimate their decision thereon to the Corporation or Paurashava,
or if the Kartripakkha intimate to the Corporation or Paurashava their decision that it is not necessary or expedient to frame an improvement scheme forthwith,
the Corporation or Paurashava may, if they think fit, refer the matter to the Government.
(4) The Government shall consider every reference made to it under sub-section (3), and-
(a) if it considers that the Kartripakkha ought, under all the circumstances, to have passed a decision within the period mentioned in sub-section (3), shall direct the Kartripakkha to pass a decision within such further period as the Government may think reasonable, or
(b) if it considers that it is, under all the circumstances expedient that an improvement scheme should forthwith be framed, shall direct the Kartripakkha to proceed forthwith to frame an improvement scheme.
(5) The Kartripakkha shall comply with every direction given by the Government under sub-section (4).

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