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The Essential Articles (Price Control and Anti-Hoarding) Act, 1953 (East Bengal Act)

( ACT NO. XXII OF 1953 )

Power to enter, inspect, search, etc.
10. Any officer, authorised in this behalf by the Government, may-
(a) enter upon and inspect any premises, tents, vessels or vehicles used or believed to be used for the purchase, sale, transfer or storage for sale of any essential article;
(b) enter upon and search any premises, tents, vessels or vehicles and seize any essential article, together with the containers thereof, in respect of which he has reason to believe that contravention of this Act has been committed;
(c) direct the owner, occupier or other persons in charge of such premises, tents or vessels, or any trader to produce any books, accounts, vouchers or other documents relating to the purchase, sale or other documents relating to the purchase, sale or storage for sale of any essential article or to furnish such information relating to such transaction as the officer so authorised may require; but the officer so authorised shall not require any family which has stored essential articles for consumption and not for sale to produce books, accounts, vouchers or other documents relating to the purchase of any such essential articles;
(d) inspect or cause to be inspected any books, accounts, vouchers or other documents relating to such transactions; and
(e) take or cause to be taken extracts from, or copies of, any document relating to such transactions.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs