Power of authorised Officer
6. (1) Any Officer authorised by Government by notification in the official Gazette in this behalf may-
(a) at any time enter and inspect any place used or believed to be used for the slaughter of animals for the purpose of selling or consuming the meat thereof or any place where meat is sold or exposed for sale or where any food containing meat is served, supplied or sold if there is reason to believe that meat has been or is being served, supplied, sold or exposed for sale in such place in contravention of the provisions of this Act;
(b) seize any animal or the carcase thereof found in such place, or any meat, receptacle, covering in which such meat is found or any other article by means of which he has reason to believe that contravention of any provision of the Act has been or is being or is likely to be committed;
(c) require the owner, Manager or person in charge or control of any slaughter-house or of any catering establishment to furnish such information as may be necessary for the purpose of securing compliance with this Act.
(2) The Officer taking action under sub-section (1) of this section shall immediately report the matter to the nearest Magistrate having jurisdiction to enquire into or try the case or to the Officer-in-charge of the nearest police-station who on receiving such report shall have the same powers of investigation as he may exercise in a cognizable case, but shall not arrest without warrant:
Provided that the Officer-in-charge or any other officer exercising any power under this Act shall have the power to dispose of any carcase by sale or otherwise as may appear to him to be most suitable if he is satisfied that the carcase is liable to speedy decay.
(3) The report of the officer-in-charge mentioned in sub-section (2), submitted to the Magistrate shall be deemed to be a report under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 190 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898.