Registration of small and cottage industries, etc.
[24A. (1) Any person who has set up a small or cottage industry or intends to set up such industry and desires to have assistance and help from the Corporation shall apply to it, in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations, for registration of such industry.
(2) An application for registration shall be allowed and the industry shall be registered if the Corporation is satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled all the conditions required for registration as may be prescribed by regulations.
(3) On the registration of an industry, the Corporation shall grant a certificate of registration to the applicant.
(4) The registration of an industry may be cancelled by the Corporation if it is satisfied that the industry for which the registration was granted has ceased to exist or, as the case may be, has not been set up within the period of one year from the date of its registration.
(5) The Corporation shall, on an application made by an industry registered under this section, give its decisions on all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) requirement of machinery, spare parts, components and raw materials;
(b) import entitlement in respect of machinery, spare parts, components and raw materials;
(c) terms and conditions of suppliers credits;
(d) terms and conditions of royalties, technical know-how and technical assistance fees;
(e) appointment of foreign personnel;
(f) allotment of land in the Corporation's estate.
(6) The Corporation shall, on an application made by an industry registered under this section, endeavour to facilitate the supply of electricity, water and gas and the providing of sewerage and telephone facilities within such time as may be agreed upon between the Corporation and the authorities or organizations concerned therewith.