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The Pure Food Ordinance, 1959 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. LXVIII OF 1959 )

Chapter II


Bye-laws with respect to dairies and milk supply
27. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the rules, a local authority may, and when so required by the Government shall, for the local area within its jurisdiction,
make bye-laws with respect to all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the registration of dairies, dairymen and persons habitually selling milk;
(b) the inspection by such local authority, or by any person authorised by it in this behalf, of dairies and dairy cattle from which milk is supplied to the inhabitants of such local area, and of persons having access to such milk or any container thereof;
(c) the duties to be performed by dairymen and persons selling milk in connection with the occurrence and reporting of infectious or contagious diseases among persons residing or employed in or about their premises or of any disease in dairy cattle which is communicable to man or of any disease of the udder;
(d) the conveyance and distribution of milk, and the labelling or marking of containers used for such conveyance or distribution.
(e) the ventilation, lighting, cleansing, drainage and water supply of dairies;
(f) the health and condition of milch cattle in dairies;
(g) the cleanliness of containers for milk in, and of persons employed in or about dairies;
(h) the protection of milk against infection or contamination;
(i) the prevention of the sale of infected, contaminated or dirty milk, the prohibition of the sale or distribution of any milk suspected of being infected, contaminated or dirty, the closing of any dairy where such milk is for sale and the exclusion therefrom of any cattle, the milk from which there is reason to believe has conveyed or is likely to convey any infectious disease; and
(j) any other matter which, in the opinion of the Government, may be necessary to secure and maintain the purity of milk supply.
Explanation.- In this sub-section, the word “milk” includes milk-products prepared for human food from milk or from anything derived from milk.
(2) In any bye-laws made under sub-section (1), the local authority may provide that any person committing a breach of any of the provisions thereof shall, on conviction by a Court, be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred taka and on a second conviction with fine which may extend to four hundred taka and on a third or subsequent conviction with fine which may extend to one thousand taka or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with both.

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