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The Navy Ordinance, 1961

( Ordinance NO. XXXV OF 1961 )

Chapter VI


(iii) Mutiny

Definition of “Mutiny”
35. In this Ordinance, mutiny means a combination between two or more persons subject to service law, or between persons two at least of whom are subject to service lawÔÇö
(a) to overthrow or resist lawful authority in the armed forces of Bangladesh or any forces co-operating therewith or in any part of any of the said forces;
(b) to disobey such authority in such circumstances as to make the disobedience subversive of discipline, or with the object of avoiding any duty or service, or in connection with operations against the enemy ; or
(c) to impede the performance of any duty or service in the armed forces of Bangladesh or in any forces co-operating therewith, or in any part of any of the said forces.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs