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The Navy Ordinance, 1961

( Ordinance NO. XXXV OF 1961 )

Chapter VI


(xi) Offences relating to Property

Theft and dishonest misappropriation, etc.
63. Every person subject to this Ordinance who commits any of the following offences, that is to say-
(a) commits theft of any property belonging to the Government, or to any service mess, band or institution or to any person subject to service law, or serving with or attached to the navy;
(b) dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use any such property;
(c) commits criminal breach of trust in respect of any such property;
(d) dishonestly receives or retains any such property in respect of which any of the offences under clauses (a), (b) and (c) has been committed, knowing or having reason to believe the commission of such offence;
(e) wilfully destroys or injures any property of the Government entrusted to him; or
(f) does any other thing with intent to defraud, or to cause wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person,
shall be liable to suffer long imprisonment.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs