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The Navy Ordinance, 1961

( Ordinance NO. XXXV OF 1961 )

Chapter VI


(xiii) Attempts and Abetments

Attempts to commit naval offence
76. Every person subject to this Ordinance who attempts to commit any of the offences specified in the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance, or to cause such an offence to be committed, and in such attempt does any act towards the commission of the offence shall, where no express provision is made by this Ordinance for the punishment of such attempt be liable,-
(a) if the offence attempted to be committed is punishable with death, to suffer long imprisonment;
(b) if the offence attempted to be committed is punishable with imprisonment, to suffer imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-half of the longest term provided for that offence; and
(c) if the offence attempted to be committed is punishable with dismissal from the service, to suffer any punishment lower than dismissal in the scale of punishments provided in section 80.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs