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The Trade Organisations Ordinance, 1961

( Ordinance NO. XLV OF 1961 )

Administrator to act under the control of Director
11. (1) The Administrator shall manage and conduct the affairs of the registered trade organisation under the supervision and control of the Director and in accordance with the rules, if any, made in this behalf by the Government and, until such rules are made, in accordance with such directions as the Director may, from time to time, give.
(2) The rules and directions referred to in sub-section (1) may provide for-
(a) the appointment of an advisory committee consisting of persons selected from the members of the trade organisation to assist the Administrator in the discharge of his functions;
(b) holding of elections for the purpose of reconstitution of the Executive Committee at any time considered appropriate before the expiry of the term of appointment of the Administrator;
(c) compliance with the provisions of sections 130, 131, 131A, 132, 132A, 133, 134 and 135 of the Act to the extent applicable to the trade organisation except those relating to the laying of the income and expenditure account and reading of the auditor's report in the general meeting;
(d) withholding, during the period of supersession of the Executive Committee, of the general meeting of the trade organisation other than the meeting to hold elections for reconstituting the Executive Committee;
(e) conduct of any business, during the period the general meeting remains withheld, which requires the approval or assent of the members at a general meeting;
(f) the pay, allowances, remuneration and other privileges of the Administrator and the members of the advisory committee; and
(g) such other matters as are necessary for efficient management of the affairs of the trade organisation.
(3) Any expenditure incurred in connection with the management of a trade organisation by the Administrator including pay, allowances and remuneration of the Administrator and the members of the advisory committee shall be met as expenses, and be a charge on the income, of the trade organisation.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs