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The Trade Organisations Ordinance, 1961

( Ordinance NO. XLV OF 1961 )

18. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Ordinance, or any rule or order made, or any direction or instruction given, thereunder, or obstructs any officer or person acting under or in pursuance of any such provision, rule, order, direction or instruction, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ten thousand 1[taka] and, in case of contravention of the provisions of sections 13 and 14A or of any order or notification issued thereunder, with a further fine which may extend to five hundred 2[taka] for every day of the period during which such contravention continues.

  • 1
    The word “taka” was substituted for the word “rupees” by section 19 of the Trade Organisations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1984 (Ordinance No. XV of 1984)
  • 2
    The word “taka” was substituted for the word “rupees” by section 19 of the Trade Organisations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1984 (Ordinance No. XV of 1984)
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