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The Road Transport Corporation Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. VII OF 1961 )

Share capital
4. (1) The authorised share capital of the Corporation shall be six crores of 1[taka], but the Corporation may, with the previous sanction in writing of the Government, increase its authorised capital.
(2) The subscribed capital shall, in the first instance be three crores of 2[taka], divided into thirty lakh shares of ten 3[taka] each, of which such number of shares not exceeding thirteen lakhs, as the Government may direct, shall be issued immediately and the remaining shares, may, from time to time, be issued by the Corporation with the previous sanction in writing of the Government.
(3) Nothing in sub section (2) shall be construed as preventing the Corporation from classifying or re classifying, with the previous sanction in writing of the Government, the shares issued by it from time to time, or from attaching, with like sanction, to any of such shares, such preferential, deferred, qualified, or special rights, privileges or conditions as it thinks fit.
(4) The Corporation shall, in the first instance, offer forty nine per cent of the issued capital for subscription by (a) 4[* * *] 5[Bangladesh Railways] to the extent of twenty five per cent and (b) public to the extent of 24 per cent and if the Government so directs, may offer more.
(5) Capital may be subscribed in the form of cash or transport assets after assessment and valuation in such manner as the Corporation may prescribe in this behalf and the balance shall be subscribed by the Government, who shall also underwrite the unsubscribed shares, if any, offered to the public, until such time as such shares are duly subscribed.
(6) No applicant for shares other than the Government and 6[* * *] 7[Bangladesh Railways] shall be allotted ordinarily more than 50,000 shares for a total value of Tk. 5 lakhs.
(7) The Government may, at any time, sell or transfer the shares subscribed by it.

  • 1
    The word “taka” was substituted for the word “rupees” by section 4 of the Road Transport Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XX of 1988)
  • 2
    The word “taka” was substituted for the word “rupees” by section 4 of the Road Transport Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XX of 1988)
  • 3
    The word “taka” was substituted for the word “rupees” by section 4 of the Road Transport Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XX of 1988)
  • 4
    The word “Pakistan” was omitted by Article 5 of the Bangladesh (Adaptation of Existing Laws) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 48 of 1972)
  • 5
    The words “Bangladesh Railways” were substituted for the words “Eastern Railways” by section 4 of the Road Transport Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XX of 1988)
  • 6
    The word “Pakistan” was omitted by Article 5 of the Bangladesh (Adaptation of Existing Laws) Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 48 of 1972)
  • 7
    The words “Bangladesh Railways” were substituted for the words “Eastern Railways” by section 4 of the Road Transport Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XX of 1988)
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