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The Road Transport Corporation Ordinance, 1961 (East Pakistan Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. VII OF 1961 )

Powers of Corporation
18. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Corporation shall have powers¬-
(a) to operate road transport services in Bangladesh in co ordination with the Government, the railways or the steamer services;
(b) to provide for any ancillary services;
(c) to store goods;
(d) to provide such bus stands and amenities and facilities for passengers and other persons making use of its services as may appear to it requisite or expedient;
(e) to manufacture, purchase, maintain and repair rolling stock, vehicles, appliances, plant, equipment or any other thing required for the purpose of any of the activities of the Corporation;
(f) to provide for facilities for training, education and research for the purpose of advancing the skill of its employees;
(g) to buy land or take land on lease or under any form of tenancy;
(h) to provide for its employees living accommodation, places for rest and recreation and other amenities;
(i) to acquire and hold such property both movable and immovable as the Corporation may deem necessary for the purpose of any of the said activities, and to lease, sell or otherwise transfer any property held by it;
(j) to purchase and sell vehicles, tyres, oils or any other stores;
(k) to enter into and perform all such contracts as may be necessary for the performance of its duties;
(l) to do all other things which in the opinion of the Corporation are necessary to facilitate the proper carrying on of the business of the Corporation;
(m) to acquire by agreement or otherwise, whether absolutely or for any period, the whole or any part of an undertaking having any one or more of the activities specified in clauses (a) to (e) and pay compensation for property so acquired;
(n) to undertake any other business which may be permitted by the Government;
(o) to dispose of any property, assets whether movable or immovable or any transport undertaking, owned by the Corporation, with the prior approval of the Government;
(p) to borrow, raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the board may think fit and in particular by the issue of the debentures or debenture stock, whether perpetual or terminable or upon the whole or any part of the corporation's assets both present and future including uncalled capital and to purchase, redeem or pay off or discharge any such securities; and
(q) to borrow money upon giving any security therefore and upon such terms as to priority or otherwise as the Board may think fit.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs