1. Short title, extent and commencement
3. Establishment and incorporation
6. Institutions within University campus
7. Institutions outside University campus
8. University open to all classes and creeds
10. Officers of the University
11. The Chancellor: his powers
13. Powers of the Vice Chancellor
17. Powers and duties of the Syndicate
19. Powers and duties of the Academic Council
20. Term of office of members of the Syndicate and the Academic Council
21. Constitution, powers and duties of the authorities
25. Approval of University Ordinances by Syndicate
29. Interpretation in case of doubt
30. Filling of casual vacancies
31. Proceedings not invalidated by vacancy
32. Pension and Provident Fund
33. Protection of Acts and Orders
34. Members of Authorities and employees to be public servants
35. Prohibition to seek elections, etc.
36. Appointment of First Registrar
37. Removal by the Chancellor of difficulties at the commencement of the Ordinance