Powers of the University
5. The University shall have the following powers, namely:-
(a) to provide for instruction in Agriculture and such branches of learning connected with Agriculture as the University may think fit to provide, at degree and post graduate levels, and to make provisions for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in those subjects;
(b) to hold examinations and to grant and confer certificates, diplomas, degrees and other academic distinctions to and on persons who-
(i) have pursued a course of study provided or prescribed by the University, and have passed the examinations of the University under such conditions as may be prescribed by the University Ordinances, and
(ii) are admitted to the examinations of the University and have passed the examinations of the University under such conditions as may be prescribed by the University Ordinances;
(c) to confer research degrees on persons who have carried on independent research under such conditions as may be prescribed by the University Ordinances;
(d) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions on approved persons in the manner prescribed by the Statutes;
(e) to co operate with other Universities, Boards and Institutes in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine;
(f) to institute Professorship, Readership, Lecturership, and any other teaching or administrative post required by the University, and to appoint persons to such Professorship, Readership, Lecturership and post;
(g) to institute and award Fellowships, Scholarships, Medals and Prizes in accordance with the University Ordinances;
(h) to establish Teaching Departments, Faculties, Institutes, Constituent colleges and Halls within the campus of the University and to make such arrangements for their maintenance, management and administration as it may deem necessary;
(i) to admit colleges lying outside the campus of the University to the privileges of the University;
(j) to demand and receive payment of such fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the Statutes;
(k) to supervise and control the residence and discipline of the students of the University, to regulate their extra curricular activities, to make arrangements for promoting their health, and to ensure that they do not, in anyway, associate with undesirable persons, who, in the opinion of the University, exploit or are likely to exploit any association of students, whether in respect of extra curricular or in respect of curricular activities;
(l) to receive grants, bequests, trusts, gifts, donations, endowments and other contributions made to the University for specific purposes; and
(m) to do such other acts, whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be requisite in order to further the objects of the University.